Nurses' Knowledge of their Role in the Care of Abused Elderly

AuthorJosephine Sultana
AbstractElder abuse is a universal phenomenon that is being taken more seriously nowadays (Anetzberger 2001). This reflects the growing worldwide concern of human rights and the ageing population. It is estimated that annually one elder in every twenty-five is a victim of elderly abuse or mistreatment (Levine 2003). Hence, the importance of the nurses' role towards the care of the abused elderly is significant. In order to explore nurse's knowledge of elder abuse, a self-administered questionnaire was utilized for the purpose of this small-scale study. Community based qualified Maltese nurses from MMDNA, working with the elderly has been chosen. This study attempts to explore nurses' knowledge regarding elder abuse, focusing on the assessment aspect of their role in the care of the elderly. In addition factors that may inhibit or enhance assessment of elder abuse were identified and discussed. The findings have interesting implication for practices, which may assist Community Maltese nurses, fulfill their role in the care of abused elderly. However, the findings cannot be generalized as only a small sample of the total population on MMDNA nurses took part in the study.

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Key wordsNurses, Knowledge, Nursing Role, Thesis, Abused Elderly

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace