The Use of Inhalers by Patients with Asthma

AuthorTherese Theuma
AbstractLiterature reported that poor asthma control has been related with incorrect use of inhaler devices, non-compliance and lack of knowledge about medication. The aim of this study was to examine the use of the inhalers of asthmatic patients. A convenience sample of fourteen individuals was chosen from the asthma clinic using semi-interviews and observational technique to evaluate the inhalation technique. With respect to the patients' inhalation technique, this study revealed that most of the respondents were correct users. Moreover, all the asthmatic participants were exposed to instructions at the beginning of their treatment and were satisfied with the instructions given by the respiratory specialist, verbally and by demonstration. Virtually all interviewees preferred to discuss their treatment with the respiratory physician rather than with the nurse as the former was perceived as person specialised and experienced person in asthma. Compliance with the inhalers appeared to be lacking amongst the participants. It was found that half of the respondents were reluctant to use the inhalers in public due to shyness and social labelling. Notwithstanding the fact that this study showed that the majority of the participants do not comply with treatment, almost all the participants were aware of the importance to compliance with treatment and the possibility of recurrence of asthma attacks. The majority of the respondents appeared to have good understanding about the two main differences of these inhalers and know how to vary the dose according to the symptoms. The participants seemed very concerned about the possible long-term side-effects of the inhaled steroids and hence felt that they need more information. Generally speaking all the respondents declared that the inhalers are more effective than the tablets and provide a better quality of life. The study includes a discussion of the research findings and the limitations, as well as some recommendations for practice and research.

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Key wordsInhalers, Asthma, Nurses, Doctor, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace