Adolescents' Awareness and Views on Alcohol Consumption and its Health Hazards

AuthorClaire Xuereb
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge of fifteen year old adolescents on alcohol consumption and their views on alcohol and its health hazards. This study has evaluated how much alcohol these adolescents consume and what are their views on alcohol. Even more, it has assessed the knowledge of these adolescents on the health hazards that alcohol may cause. Data from this study was collected from forty-one fifteen year old adolescents studying for their ordinary level exams. A self-made semi-structured questionnaire with fifteen questions was distributed to the students in class, with the supervision of the teacher present. The questionnaire was given in both Maltese and English language so that the participants could choose whichever language they preferred. The questionnaire was distributed only once and it did not take more than ten minutes to complete. Findings from the study suggest that most of the adolescents (92.7%) consume alcohol under the legal drinking age. Males consume more alcohol than females while differences in the choice of alcoholic beverages were seen among the participants. Drunkenness was reported from four respondents. Various reasons were given for alcohol consumption. The most reported reasons were due to good taste (34.1%) and to have a good time (34.1%). Most respondents (58.5%) reported feeling happy when drinking. Thirty-five adolescents reported that they buy their own alcohol out of which twenty-four where under the legal drinking age. Only one respondent was challenged when trying to buy alcohol. Most of the adolescents know what the legal drinking age in Malta is. However, most (82.9%) do not know the normal daily values of alcohol intake for men and women. Regarding knowledge about alcohol's health hazards, most gave the physical negative effects while few mentioned the psychological and social problems that alcohol can cause. From this study it was concluded that most of the adolescents are consuming alcohol at an early age and on regular basis. Awareness about alcohol consumption and its negative health effects seem to be lacking among adolescents. More effective health promotion programs need to be set up and the drinking law needs to be reinforced.

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Key wordsAdolescent, Awareness, Alcohol Consumption, Health, Thesis, Nursing

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace