The Experiences and Feelings of General Nurses Working at a Maltese Psychiatric Hospital

AuthorJosanne Bason
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the feelings and experiences of general nurses working at a Maltese psychiatric hospital, which had not been addressed in published literature to date. A Heideggerian interpretive approach was adopted for this study. A purposive sample of six nurses was chosen and data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed in accordance to Colaizzi's (1978 cited in Knaack, 1984 and quoted by Smith, 1996: 77). Three broad interrelated themes emerged from the data. These were related to psychiatric nursing practice, hospital culture and the meaning of nursing to nurses. Findings were discussed in relation to them and their related concepts. The study's findings suggested how general nurses providing care to patients at this hospital, viewed their world. They are considered to contribute to a greater understanding of feelings and experiences of general nurses working at this hospital. Recommendations were made to ensure that the needs of these nurses are addressed, thus enhancing their ability to care for their patients and influence the latter's health outcomes favourably.

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Key wordsThesis, Nursing, Psychiatric Hospital, Mount Carmel

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace