University of Malta CH237 - Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Dr. Joseph N. Grima, Department of Chemistry
University of Malta, Msida, MSD 06, MALTA


Aside: The Kinetic Theory of Gasses

(1-0) Aside - The kinetic theory of gasses

(1-0-0) Introduction
(1-0-1) Molecular speeds
(1-0-2) The collision frequency and mean free path  

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(1-0) Aside - The kinetic theory of gasses

(1-0-0) Introduction

The kinetic model of gases is based on three assumptions:

  1. The gas consists of molecules of mass m in ceaseless random motion.
  2. The size of the molecules is negligible, in the sense that their diameters are mich less than the average distance travelled between collisions.
  3. The molecules do not interact, except that they make perfectly elastic collisions when they are in contact. 
An elastic collision is one in which the translational energy of the molecules is conserved in a collision (i.e. no internal modes of motion are excited).

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(1-0-1) Molecular speeds

In a time interval Dt we have many molecules colliding with a particular wall. Thus the change in momentum in a Dt time interval is given by:

Total momentum change = D momentum for 1 molecule x no. of colliding molecules


  1. No. of Colliding molecules in Dt is as follows:
    • Distance travelled by a molecule in Dt in the x-direction is vx Dt.
    • Thus all molecules in a 'vx Dt' vicinity that are moving towards wall will collide in this time Dt.
    • Thus if wall has area A, all molecules in volume 'A vxDt' will collide in the time period Dt (see fig. 1)
    • But if there are n moles of molecules in the total volume V, then the number of molecules that will collide in Dt is given by:
      Fig. 1: A molecule will reach the wall on the right within an interval Dt if it is within a distance vxDt of the wall and travelling to the right.
  2. Assuming that on average, half of the molecules move the right and the other half to the left, then average number of collisions is given by:
  3. The momentum change for each collision is given by (see fig. 2):
      1. Dmomentum for 1 cossision = 2mvx

    Fig. 2: In an elastic collision of a molecule with a wall perpendicular to the x-axis, the x-component of velocity is reversed. (The y- and z-components are unchanged)

Thus the total change in momentum is given by:

This means that the force exerted by the molecules on wall of area A perpendicular to the x-direction is give by:

and hence the pressure on this wall is given by:
Also, because the molecules re moving randomly, then we may assume that:


Also since pV = nRT then we have:
Note that this expression is for the root mean square speed (which is not the mean speed) of molecules, and, in reality:
  1. The speeds of an individual molecule spans a wide range. 
  2. Collisions continuously re-distribute speeds, i.e. the speed of any individual molecules may change with every collision.
In fact, the probability for a molecule to have a velocity in the range v1 to v2 is given by:
This expression for f(v) is known as the Maxwell distribution of speeds, sketches of which are given in the figure 3 below.

Fig. 3: The distribution of molecular speeds with temperature and molar mass. Note that the most probable speed (corresponding to the peak of the distribution) increases with temperature and with decreasing molar mass and, simultaneously, the distribution becomes broader. 

Given this expression, let us now calculate the mean speed of molecules (not the root mean square speed). For a discrete system, a mean value can be calculated by:

  1. Multiplying each speed by the fraction of the molecules that have that speed;
  2. Adding the products obtained from (1) together.
In a continuous system, the summation in (2) is replaced by an integral, that is:
It may also be shown that the most probably speed, c* is given by:
whilst the relative mean speed of similar/dissimilar molecules, that is, the mean speed with which one molecule approaches another is: 

where m is the reduced mass of the molecules that relates to the individual masses of two dissimilar molecules (mA and mB) though:

Note that when mA = mBthen these two expressions become equivalent, since: 

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(1-0-2) The collision frequency and mean free path

Let us now calculate the frequency with which molecular collisions occur and the distance a molecule travels on average between collisions for a single-species gas.

We count a 'hit' whenever the centres of two molecules come within a distance d of each other, where d, the collision diameter, is of the order of the actual diameters of the molecules (for impenetrable hard spheres d is the diameter) (see fig. 4). 

Let us assume that the positions of all the molecules except one to be frozen. When one mobile molecule travels through the gas with a mean relative speed for a time Dt, it sweeps out a 'collision tube' of cross-sectional area s = p d2 and length  (see fig). The number of stationary molecules with centres inside the collision tube is given by:

where  is the number density, given by:
where NA is Avogadro's constant.
Fig. 4: In interval Dt a molecule of diameter d sweeps out a tube of diameter 2d and length 'c'relDt . As it does so it encounters other molecules with centres that lie within the tube, and each such encounter counts as one collision. 
The number of hits scored in the interval Dt is equal to this number, so the number of collisions divided by the time interval, or, the collision frequency, z, is given by:
The area s = pd2 is known as the collision cross-section.

Given this expression for the collision frequency, z, it may be deduced that the mean time between collisions is 1/z, i.e. the average distance traveled between collisions, or, the mean free path, l, is given by:

We an write the collision frequency and the mean free path in terms of pressure by:
i.e. the collision frequency increases with increasing temperature in a sample held at constant volume. The reason is that the mean relative speed increases with temperature. At constant temperature, the collision frequency is proportional to the pressure. Such a proportionality is plausible for, the greater the pressure, the greater the number density of molecules in the sample, and the rate at which they encounter one another is greater even though their average speed remains the same. Doubling the pressure reduces the mean free path by half. A typical mean free path for nitrogen gas at 1 atm is 70 nm, or about 103 molecular diameters. Although temperature appears in the equation for the mean free path, in a sample of constant volume, the pressure is proportional to T, so T/p remains constant when the temperature is increased. Therefore, the mean path is independent of the temperature in a sample of gas in a container of fixed volume The distance between collisions is determined by the number of molecules present in a given volume, not by the speed at which they travel.

Thus to summarise, a typical gas (nitrogen or oxygen) at 1 atm and 25 °C can be thought of as a collection of molecules traveling with a mean speed of about 350 ms-1. Each molecule makes a collision within about 1 ms, and between collisions it travels about 102 to 103 molecular diameters. The kinetic model of gases is valid (and the gas behaves nearly perfectly) if the diameter of the molecules is much smaller than the mean free path, for then the molecules spend most of their time far from one another and do not interact.



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