Number of Different Solutions to the Towers of Hanoi Problem


Jaroslav Sklenar, October 30, 2007




Tower(s) of Hanoi is a well known game (puzzle) used typically to explain and demonstrate the power of recursion. There are very many web locations that deal with it. To mention some out of many, you may visit for example:


and many other. The problem can also be used to demonstrate the power of Dynamic Programming. To learn more read the paper by Moshe Sniedovich at where Dynamic Programming has been used to find the length of the shortest solution and also the length of the almost ignored longest solution (and much more). Here we use the Dynamic Programming approach to find the number of different solutions to the problem.


I have arrived to this result myself, but I think that I am not the first. Please let me know any reference to a source where this formula has been published. It will be my pleasure to quote it.




Here I assume that the reader is familiar with the problem, so just a brief summary:


The three platforms (poles) are called L (left), C (center) and R (right).


Tower is a collection of disks (rings) placed one on top of other such that always a smaller disk is placed on a bigger one. Initially a tower of height n made of disks 1…n of increasing size, where 1 is the top smallest disk, is located in platform L.


Rules: when moving the disks we have to follow these rules:

-         only one disk at a time can be moved

-         a disk may be placed either on an empty platform or on a bigger disk.


Problem: we want to move the tower made of disks 1…n from the platform L to the platform R by following the rules.


State of the game is given by three mutually exclusive sets  such that . A feasible state is such that can be reached by following the rules. This also guarantees that these sets are either towers or they can be empty. The initial state is , the final state is .


Solution is a sequence of moves (alternatively a sequence of states generated by these moves) that solves the above problem by following the rules. We consider only solutions without cycles where each state appears mostly once.


Let F(n,a,b,c) be the total number of different solutions to the problem of moving a tower of height n from the platform a to the platform b by using the platform c. As there is no difference between the platforms with respect to the rules, we can use F(n) for short.


Theorem: F(n) can be computed by the recursive formula



Proof: For n = 1 there are clearly two solutions without cycles: move the disk from L to R or move the disk from L to C and then from C to R. Now we assume . To reach the final state the largest disk n has to be moved from L to R. This can be done (always without cycles) in two different ways that we treat separately.


1)  Move the tower (n-1) from L to C, move the disk n from L to R, move the tower (n-1) from C to R. Moving the tower (n-1) from L to C has F(n-1) different solutions, moving the tower (n-1) from C to R has also F(n-1) different solutions. These two moves of the towers of height (n-1) are independent, so the first case results in F(n-1)2 different solutions.


2)  Move the tower (n-1) from L to R, move the disk n from L to C, move the tower (n-1) from R to L, move the disk n from C to R, move the tower (n-1) from L to R. We see that there are three independent moves of the tower (n-1), so the total number of different solutions in this case is F(n-1)3.


As the cases 1) and 2) are mutually exclusive, we have the total number of different solutions given by the theorem formula. ˙





There is a legend probably invented from scratch together with the game itself in 1883 by the French mathematician Edouard Lucas:


 “Legend has it that a group of Eastern monks are the keepers of three towers on which sit 64 golden rings. Originally all 64 rings were stacked on one tower with each ring smaller than the one beneath. The monks are to move the rings from this first tower to the third tower one at a time but never moving a larger ring on top of a smaller one. Once the 64 rings have all been moved, the world will come to an end”.


(For more see the page  from where the legend was taken).


It is well known that an optimal solution to the game of n towers takes 2n-1 moves. Assuming that one move takes 1 second, after some simple calculation we arrive to the result that the solution for n = 64 takes about 585x109 years.


We can offer another legend:


“Take only 5 rings and try all possible solutions. Then the Universe will come to an end”.


If we take an (unrealistic) assumption that each solution takes on average (they have different lengths) only 1 second, it would take about 89.67x1020 years to try them all. Enough time for many big bangs.


Yet another legend:


“Take only 4 rings and let each human on Earth solve the game in different way. When all different solutions are used the Universe will come to an end”.


In past no end of Universe at all, but now this has changed. Still we have almost one solution for each human.





These are numbers of solutions for increasing tower height:


F(1) = 2


F(2) = 12


F(3) =  1872


F(4) =  6,563,711,232


F(5) ≈  2.827798101718050e+029



The following are all the solutions for towers of height 1,2 and 3 (extract). Each row contains one solution starting by its number. Moves separated by spaces have the format:




where k is the disk number that we move from platform A to platform B. Note that the first solution is the shortest one with 2n-1 moves, the last solution is the longest one with 3n-1 moves.


    1 (tower height)

    2 (number of generated solutions)

    1 1LR

    2 1LC 1CR



    2 (tower height)

   12 (number of generated solutions)

    1 1LC 2LR 1CR

    2 1LC 2LR 1CL 1LR

    3 1LR 1RC 2LR 1CR

    4 1LR 1RC 2LR 1CL 1LR

    5 1LR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LR

    6 1LR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LC 1CR

    7 1LR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LR

    8 1LR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR

    9 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LR

   10 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LC 1CR

   11 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LR

   12 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR



    3 (tower height)

 1872 (number of generated solutions)

    1 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CL 2CR 1LR

    2 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR

    3 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CR 1RL 2CR 1LR

    4 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CR 1RL 2CR 1LC 1CR

    5 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RC 2LR 1CR

    6 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RC 2LR 1CL 1LR

    7 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RL 1LC 2LR 1CR

    8 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RL 1LC 2LR 1CL 1LR

    9 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CL 1LR 2CL 1RC 2LR 1CR

   10 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CL 1LR 2CL 1RC 2LR 1CL 1LR

   11 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CL 1LR 2CL 1RL 1LC 2LR 1CR

   12 1LR 2LC 1RC 3LR 1CL 1LR 2CL 1RL 1LC 2LR 1CL 1LR

   13 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CL 2CR 1LR

   14 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR

   15 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CR 1RL 2CR 1LR

   16 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CR 1RL 2CR 1LC 1CR

   17 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RC 2LR 1CR

   18 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RC 2LR 1CL 1LR

   19 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RL 1LC 2LR 1CR

   20 1LR 2LC 1RL 1LC 3LR 1CR 2CL 1RL 1LC 2LR 1CL 1LR


      . . .


 1865 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LR

 1866 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LC 1CR

 1867 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LR

 1868 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR

 1869 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LR

 1870 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RL 2CR 1LC 1CR

 1871 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LR

 1872 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR 3LC 1RC 1CL 2RC 1LC 1CR 2CL 1RC 1CL

      3CR 1LC 1CR 2LC 1RC 1CL 2CR 1LC 1CR



You can download a text file with all solutions for the tower of height 3.


The number of different solutions for even small towers is impressive. To check the formula I have written programs in Turbo Pascal 7 that generate the solutions in a text file in the above format, check whether the solutions are all different and simulate them to check whether they are correct. They can be used also for manually created solutions. If you want you may download these programs. All should be clear from comments in the source files.

This article is translated to Russian language by Kerstin Schmidt.


This article is translated to Finnish language by Elsa Jansson.


This article is translated to Estonian language by Martin Aus.