[Up] [Contents] [Index] [Summary] Testing the type of a term

int PL_term_type(term_t)
Obtain the type of a term, which should be a term returned by one of the other interface predicates or passed as an argument. The function returns the type of the Prolog term. The type identifiers are listed below. Note that the extraction functions PL_ge_t*() also validate the type and thus the two sections below are equivalent.

if ( PL_is_atom(t) ) { char *s; PL_get_atom_chars(t, &s); ...; } or char *s; if ( PL_get_atom_chars(t, &s) ) { ...; }

PL_VARIABLEAn unbound variable. The value of term as such is a unique identifier for the variable.
PL_ATOMA Prolog atom.
PL_STRINGA Prolog string.
PL_INTEGERA Prolog integer.
PL_FLOATA Prolog floating point number.
PL_TERMA compound term. Note that a list is a compound term ./2 .

The functions PL_is_<type> are an alternative to PL_term_type(). The test PL_is_var(term) is equivalent to PL_term_type(term) == PL_VARIABLE, but the first is considerably faster. On the other hand, using a switch over PL_term_type() is faster and more readable then using an if-then-else using the functions below. All these functions return either TRUE or FALSE.

int PL_is_variable(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is a variable.

int PL_is_atom(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is an atom.

int PL_is_string(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is a string.

int PL_is_integer(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is an integer.

int PL_is_float(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is a float.

int PL_is_compound(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is a compound term.

int PL_is_functor(term_t, functor_t)
Returns non-zero if term is compound and its functor is functor. This test is equivalent to PL_get_functor(), followed by testing the functor, but easier to write and faster.

int PL_is_list(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is a compound term with functor ./2 or the atom .

int PL_is_atomic(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is atomic (not variable or compound).

int PL_is_number(term_t)
Returns non-zero if term is an integer or float.