CSI212: Assignment 1 - Game Playing

Aim and Deliverables

The aim of this assignment is to implement a complete program for playing the game of naughts and crosses on a 4x4 board. The following functionality should be provided for: Final deliverables should include
  1. Program source code
  2. Report including documenntation and statistics
  3. Division of labour should be indicated (if applicable)


Monday 25th May 12.00 in Marlene's Office


This size of boad is too big to enable an exhaustive game tree to be built in advance, so that you will have to devise your own criteria for deciding when it is appropriate to cut off search.

Issues To Consider

  1. Board Representation
  2. Search Algorithm
  3. Input/Output
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Mike Rosner (mros@cs.um.edu.mt)
Last modified: Fri Apr 17 12:26:29 MET DST