Java Programming Assignment 3


This assignment represents 25% of the assessment for the course.


1. Write a program Factorial which reads a number N and computes Factorial N.

     The Factorial function is defined as follows:

     Factorial N = N * (N-1) * , ..., 1. For example, Factorial(5) = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120


2. Write a program Arrow1 which reads a number N and prints a triangle. For example, if N=5, the program should print








3. Write Arrow2 (adapted from Arrow1) which prints, for example, the following when N = 5











4. Write Diamond which prints for N=9












5. Write Square2 which prints, for example, the following when N=5



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Deadline: Please submit your answers (5 java file attachments) to me by email by Wednesday 10th January.




·         Savitch Chapter 3.1-3.4  contains most of the information.

·         Otherwise, a good starting point for tutorial material is

·         Otherwise, use Google to search for "java tutorial"




