ii) Undertaking
a critical review of existing means that support decision making;
iii) Identifying their
strengths and weaknesses;
iv) Establishing the missing gap
from the review;
v) Identifying a number of
research questions that arise from the research gap
vii) Generating a framework
that aids designers in pro-active decision making;
viii) Establishing the knowledge model and formalizing the knowledge for
realizing the approach;
ix) Identifying the system requirements and architecture for
implementing the approach in a prototype system;
x) Creating case-studies to be
able to demonstrate the approach;
xi) Demonstrating the approach
to a number of practicing designers;
xii) Obtaining designers’
feedback on the strengths and limitations of the approach;
xiii) Identifying future
improvements and spin-offs.
Reviewing and understanding
related literature;
In order to be able to focus, this research work is bounded to consider:
- Component-based life-oriented design
- Mechanical product design
- Design by a single designer
- Routine and adaptive design