Curriculum Vitae


Anthony D. Spiteri, Ph.D.



Office Address:                                                                        Residential Address:    

University of Malta                                                                   Jaklin House

Room 205, OHB.                                                                     Tower Gate Street,      

Msida                                                                                       Msida

Malta                                                                                       Malta

MSD06                                                                                    MSD04




Facsimile No. :               

e-mail address                

Citizenship:                               Maltese & Canadian

Current Position:                       Lecturer - Departments of Philosophy & Theology

                                                Director - International Institute for the Social Sciences






Ph.D.     Social and Political Thought, 1992

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

(Thesis Supervisors:  H.S. Harris, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy; Mildred Bakan, Professor of Philosophy; Patrick Taylor, Associate Professor of Humanities)


M.A.      Philosophy, 1983

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


B.A.       Philosophy, 1981

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada





Teaching and Research:



Lecturer              Department of Philosophy

  University of Malta,

  1993 - present


Lecturer              Faculty of Theology

  University of Malta,

  1994 - present



Lecturer              Department of History

  University of Malta,

  1996 - present



Thesis                 M.A. Supervisor in Philosophy, 2000 - 2001

Supervision:        Mr. James Caron (USA)


                            M.A. Supervisor in Philosophy, 1996 - 1997

                            Mr. Kit Barton (Canada), M.A. Graduate in

                            Philosophy, (proceeded to Ph.D. studies at Essex University)


                            M.A. Supervisor in Philosophy, 1994 - 1996

                            Mr. Mark Debono (Malta), M.A. Graduate in Philosophy



Lecturer              Department of Humanities

& Teaching         York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1991-1993



Research            Centre of Excellence for Refugee Studies,

Associate            York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1987-1993


Teaching             Department of Philosophy

Associate            Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1981-1983



Administrative and Related Experience:


·        Member of the scholarship selection committee for the International Council for Canadian Studies Summer Seminar,  2002 - present


·        Director of the International Institute for the Social Sciences (IISS) & The European Mediterranean Network for the Social Sciences (EUMENESS), Foundation of International Studies, 1995 – present.


·        Representative of the Foundation of International Studies on the Board of the Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta, 1995 – present.


·        Member of the MATSEC Examining Board for Intermediate and Advanced levels in Philosophy, 1997 – present.


·        Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board Regional Contact, published by ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, Maribor, Slovenia, 1998 – present.


·        Member of the B.A. (Honours) and M.A. Examining Boards for the European Documentation and Research Centre, (EDRC), University of Malta, 1998 – present.


·        Member of the Editorial Board for Humanitas, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Malta, 1999 – present.


·        Member of the Board of Studies for the B.A. (Honours.) Degree Course, University of Malta, 1999 – present.


·        Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta, 2000 – present.


·        Liaised with the Canadian Embassy in Rome in obtaining a graduate scholarship grant for a University of Malta student to study social sciences in Canada.




·        Chairperson of the M.A. Examining Board for Mr. Hillary Caruana’s thesis oral defence, September 2001.







International Conferences Convened


Geographies of the European-Arabic Encounter:  Past, Present and Future

International Conference in Collaboration with the Arab World Geographer Society, Akron University, Ohio, Malta, November 2001.


Stereotypes and Alterity: Perceptions of Otherness in the Mediterranean

International Conference in Collaboration with UNESCO’s Management for Social Transformations (MOST) Programme. Malta, November, 1997.


European Mediterranean Network for the Social Sciences (EUMENESS)

Meeting of the International Partners of the Network. Malta, November, 1997.


The State of the Social Sciences in Europe and the Mediterranean

International Conference.  Malta, January, 1996.


Cultural Tourism in the Mediterranean

International Conference in Collaboration with the UNESCO’s Mediterranean Programme, Malta, 1996.




Public Lectures Hosted



The State of the Social Sciences in the Third Millennium

Emmanuel Wallerstein,

May 2000


The Geometry of War

Barry Smith, Department of Philosophy, Buffalo University, New York, USA.

December 1999


Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Post-Maastricht Europe

Michael Lanphier, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada.

April 1997


Places to Play:  Reflections on Cultural Tourism

Briavel Holcomb, Urban Studies Department, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.

May, 1996


Nations Without Nationalism?

François-Pierre Gingras, Department of Political Science, University of Ottawa, Canada. March 1995






Spiteri, A.D. From an Analysis of the Concept of Ideology to an Investigation of Faith that does Justice.  (Forthcoming book as a University of Malta Publication, 2003.)


Spiteri, A.D. “Laclau and Mouffe on the Future of Marxism”.  (Forthcoming article in a book edited by C. Vassallo as a University of Malta publication, 2002.)


Spiteri, A. D. (ed.), Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Vol.1, No. 11, 2001.


Spiteri, A.D.  "Metaphysics, Society, and Solidarity:  Anamnestic Solidarity and the Eucharist". Proceedings of the Metaphysics for the Third Millennium Conference, Rome, September 5-8, 2000.


Spiteri, A.D. Book Review on Yannis A. Stivachtis' The Enlargement of International Society:  Culture versus Anarchy and Greece’s Entry into International Society. (Great Britain:  MacMillan Press Ltd., 1998) in Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1998.


Spiteri, A. D. “A Nominalist Gloss to the Meaning of the Concept Refugee”, Mediterranean Social Sciences Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1997.


Spiteri, A.D. “Scientific Research Programmes and the Religious Option”, Interfaces: Essays in Philosophy and Bordering Areas, ed. Joe Friggieri, University of Malta, 1997.


Spiteri, A.D. (ed.) Mediterranean Social Sciences Review, Vol.2, No.1, 1997.



Papers Presented


Metaphysics, Society, and Solidarity:  Anamnestic Solidarity and the Eucharist

Metaphysics for the Third Millennium Conference, Rome, September 5-8, 2000.


Society, Community and Solidarity

Philosophy Society of Malta, University of Malta, Malta, 2001.


Anamnesis and Solidarity  

Society of Christian Philosophers. Learneds Meeting in Sherbrooke, Quebec, May, 2000.


Weber and Durkheim on Subjectivity

Works-In-Progress Seminars of the Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta,  December 1999.


Islands in the (Cyberspace) Sun: The Internet and Remote Island Economies

Conference on Cities in the Global Information Society:  An International Perspective.

Centre for Urban Technology, Newcastle upon Tyne, November 1999, (In collaboration with Briavel Holcomb and Roger Balm, Rutgers University,  U.S.A.


The Nature of Mutual Recognition in Social Relations

UNESCO Conference, Bratislava, 1998.


The Requirement for “A Common Human Nature” 

International Conference - Anthropological Roots to Conflict, Malta, November, 1996.


Showing the Fly out of the Fly Bottle

Philosophy Society of Malta, University of Malta, December, 1995.     


The Religious Option:  A Philosophical Response

Philosophy Society of Malta, University of Malta, December, 1994.





Respondent to Anthony Frendo. Archaeology and Epistemology. Paper presented to the Philosophy Society of Malta, March, 2000.


Respondent to Daniel Monterescu. Plantiga on Truth. Paper presented to the Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers at the Canadian Learneds Society Conference, Sherbrooke, Canada, May 1999.


Respondent to Christopher New, Fatalism. Paper presented to the Philosophy Society of Malta, December, 1999.


Respondent to Barry Smith. What’s all the Rage about Post-Modernism?  Paper presented to the Philosophy Society of Malta, January 1999.





American Catholic Philosophical Association

Philosophy Documentation Center
P. O. Box 7147
Charlottesville, VA   22906-7147 - USA


Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers

Department of Philosophy

St Francis Xavier University

Antigonish, NS


The Canadian Philosophical Association
PO Box 450, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5

The American Philosophical Association
31 Amstel Avenue
University of Delaware
Newark, DE  19716-4797

Australasian Association of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria, 3052


Courses Taught


1.   Contemporary Philosophy                         2.   European Social and Political Thought


3.   Philosophy of the Social Sciences I            4.   History of Political Thought


5.   Philosophy of the Social Sciences II           6.   Metaphysics I


7.   Metaphysics II



Extra-Curricular Experience:


Founding Member for the establishment of a National Emigration Museum with the Emigrants Commission of Malta. 2000 – present.


Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). 2001 – present.


Curator of a photographic exhibition commemorating the Maltese migration experience to Canada at the Malta Emigrants Commission, March 12-8, 2002. (held in collaboration with the Canadian Embassy in Rome)


Mediator for the Canadian Embassy in Rome in arranging a series of educational initiatives at the University of Malta during the “Canada Days and Nights of Malta” events (book exhibition, public lecture, scholarship grant for a local academic) which took place in Malta, March 12-15, 2002.


Local References:


Professor Peter Serracino-Inglott                 Tel:       3290-3204

Chair                                                          email:

Mediterranean Institute

University of Malta

Msida, Malta


Professor Victor Mallia-Milanes                    Tel:       3290-2297

Dean                                                          email:

Facultry of Arts

University of Malta

Msida, Malta


Professor Anthony Frendo                            Tel:       3290-2300

Deputy Dean                                             email:

Faculty of Arts

University of Malta

Msida, Malta


Foreign References:


Professor Howard Adelman                          Tel.:      (416)736-2100

Department of Philosophy                            email:

York University

Toronto, Canada



Professor Mildred Bakan                                Tel.:      (416) 736-2100

Professor Emeritus                                        email:    Spot@Yorku.Ca

Department of Philosophy

York University

Toronto, Canada


Professor Saul Tanenzapf                                Tel.:      (416) 736-2100

Associate Professor                                       email:

Department of Humanities

York University

Toronto, Canada