Lecture 16: CASE STUDY: UNIX
Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Malta
Lecture Outline
Aims and Objectives
The Shell
The Processing Environment
The Kernel
The File System
Process Management
Memory Management
Aims and Objectives
- To use an example of a real OS (UNIX) to give context to the course
- UNIX is one of the most popular OSs on PCs to Mainframes
- De Facto standard for Open Systems
The Shell
- The shell is the interface between the command language user and the OS
- The shell is a user interface and comes in many forms (Bourne Shell, sh;
Berkeley C Shell, csh; Korn Shell, ksh; Restricted Shell, rsh)
- User allowed to enter input when prompted ($ or %)
- System supports all shells running concurrently. Appropriate shell is loaded
at login, but user can usually (except in sh, rsh) dynamically change the
- A UNIX command takes the form of
executable_file [-options] arguments
- The shell runs a command interpretation loop
- accept command
- read command
- process command
- execute command
- Executing the command involves creating a child process running in another
shell (an environment within which the process can run). This is done by
- The parent process usually waits for the child to terminate before
re-entering the command interpretation loop
- Programs can be run in the background by suffixing the command-line entry
with an ampersand (&). Parent will not wait for child to terminate
The Processing Environment
Input and Output
- UNIX automatically opens three files for the process
STDIN - standard input (attached to keyboard)
STDOUT - standard output (attached to terminal)
STDERR - standard error (attached to terminal)
- Because UNIX treats I/O devices as special types of files, STDIO can be
easily redirected to other devices and files
who > list _of _users
The Kernel
- Central part of the OS which provides system services to application programs
and the shell
- The kernel manages processes, memory, I/O and the Timer - so this is not the
same as the kernel that we covered in Lecture 3!
- UNIX supports multiprogramming
- Processes have their own address space - for protection
- Each process's process environment is composed of an unmodifiable
re-entrant text (code) region, a modifiable data region and a
stack region.
- The text region is shareable
- Processes can modify their environment only through calls to the OS
The File System
- UNIX uses HDS with root as its origin
- A directory is a special UNIX file which contains file names and their
i-nodes (index nodes)
- Subdirectories appear as file entries
- Directories cannot be modified directly, but can are changed by the operating
system when files and subdirectories are created and deleted
- File and Directory names must be unique within a particular directory (i.e.,
the path name must be unique)
- The File System is a data structure that is resident on disk
- It contains a super block (definition of the file system); an array of
i-nodes (definition of the files in the system); the actual file data blocks;
and a collection of free blocks
- Space allocation is performed in fixed-size blocks
The i-node
- Contains
the file owner's user-id and group-id
protection bits for owner, group, and world
the block locator
file size
accounting information
number of links to the file
file type
The Block Locator
- Consists of 13 fields
- First 10 fields points directly to first 10 file blocks
- 11th field is an indirect block address
- 12th field is a double-indirect block address
- 13th field is a triple-indirect block address
- Each UNIX file and directory has 3 sets of permission bits associated with
- These give permissions for owner, group and world
- System files (inc. devices) are owned by root, wizard, or superuser
- Root has unlimited access to the entire installation - whoever owns the
- When you need to change your password, you need to modify a file called
/etc/passwd. But this file is owned by root and nobody other than root has
write permission!
- The passwd command (to change passwords) is owned by root, with
execute permission for world.
- The setuid is a bit which when set on an executable file temporarily gives
the user the same privileges as the owner of the file
- This is similar in concept to some OS commands executing in Supervisor mode
to perform a service for an otherwise unauthorised process
Process Management
- Description of Process Management in SunOS
- Priority-based pre-emptive scheduling. Priorities in range -20 to 20. Default
- Priorities for runnable processes are recomputed every second
- Allows for ageing, but also increases or decreases process's priority based
on past behaviour
- I/O-bound processes receive better service
- CPU-bound processes do not suffer indefinite postponement because the
algorithm `forgets' 90% CPU usage in 5*n seconds (where n is the average number
of runnable processes in the past 60 seconds)
- Signals are software equivalents to hardware interrupts used to inform
processes asynchronously of the occurrence of an event
Interprocess Communication
- UNIX System V uses semaphores to control access to shared resources
- For processes to exchange data or communicate, pipes are used
- A pipe is a unidirectional channel between 2 processes
- UNIX automatically provides buffering, scheduling services and
synchronisation to processes in a pipe line
- The presence of a pipe causes the processes in the pipe line to share STDIO
who | grep cstaff
- The output from who is directed to a buffer. grep will take its
input from this buffer. The output from grep will be displayed on the
- UNIX makes 3 interval timers available to each process
- Each counts down to zero and then generates a signal
- The first runs continuously
- The second runs while a process is executing process code
- The third runs while the process executes process code or kernel code
Memory Management
Address Mapping (Virtual Storage) - Paged MMS
- Virtual address V is dynamically translated to real address (P, D)
- Direct Mapping is used, with the Page Map held in a high-speed RAM cache
- Each Page Map Entry contains a modified bit, an accessed bit, a
valid bit (if the page is resident in PM) and protection bits
- The system maintains 8 page maps - 1 for the kernel (not available to
processes) and 7 for processes (contexts)
- 2 context registers are used - one points to the running process's
page map and the other to the kernel's page map
- The replacement strategy replaces the page that has not been active for
longest (LRU)
- SunOS maintains 2 data structures to control paging
- The free list contains empty page frames
- The loop contains an ordered list of all allocated page frames (except
for the kernel)
- The pager ensures that there is always free space in memory
- When a page is swapped out (not necessarily replaced) the system judges
whether the page is likely to be used again
- If the page contains a text region, the page is added to the bottom of the
free list, otherwise it is added to the top
- When a page fault occurs, if the page is still in the free list it is
- All data is treated as a byte stream
- UNIX does not impose any structure on data - the applications do
- So data can be manipulated in any way - but programmers must explicitly
structure the data
- A device is just a special type of file
- These files can have protection bits, so that a printer, e.g., cannot be
- Permission to use sensitive devices, e.g., magnetic disk, is restricted to
root and all other users have to use system calls to executable files which
have their setuid bit set
- Explained how UNIX is constructed with reference to material we have covered
in the course
- The UNIX File System
- Process Management in UNIX
- UNIX Memory Management
- UNIX I/O Device Independence
- Command Interpretation Loop
Next Lecture...
Introduction to Distributed Operating