Complex Analysis---June 1994
Complex Analysis-June 1994
1. Let f:U®\Bbb C be a continuous function
on the open subset U of \Bbb C and suppose f has a
primitive F on U. Let g:[a,b]®\C be a contour in U
such that g(a) = z1 and g(b) = z2. Show that
Assuming Cauchy's Theorem for a triangular contour, show that if
g:W®\C is analytic on the open, convex subset W of \C and
g is any closed contour in \C, then
2. Let f be analytic on an open subset U of \C except
for a pole of order p at z0 Î U.
- Show that, in any neighbourhood of z0 included in U,
where g is analytic in the neighbourhood, and g(z0) = c > 0.
- Using the continuity of g at z0, show that there exists
a d > 0 such that
for all |z-z0| < d.
- Deduce that
- By letting z tend to 0 in an appropriate fashion, show
that the origin is not a pole of f(z) = e1/z.
3. Let a Î \C, R Î \Bbb R, R > 0 and let f be
analytic on [`(D)] = {z Î \C:|z-a| £ R}. Prove that, for
all z Î D,
f(z) = |
¥ å
n = 0
cn(z-a)n. |
Show also that, if |f(z)| £ M(R) on g, then
Now suppose that f is analytic on all of \C, and suppose that,
for all z Î \C, |f(z)| £ A|z|k, where A,k are positive
constants. Prove that f(z) is a polynomial of degree not exceeding
[Cauchy's Integral Formula may be used without proof, but must be clearly
4. Show that if a function f:\C®\C is differentiable
at z Î \C, then f satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations at z.
What other restrictions, apart from the Cauchy-Riemann equations,
are required to give conditions sufficient for differentiability?
Explain why the Cauchy-Riemann equations are
required for differentiability of functions on \C but not for
functions on \Bbb R2.
Find the analytic function f = u+iv for which
u(z) = ey2-x2(xcos2xy +ysin2xy) |
where x = Á(z) and y = Â(z), giving f(z) in terms of z.
5. (a) Show, by contour integration, that
¥ å
= p2cosec2pa (a\not Î \Bbb N). |
Deduce the value of
[You may assume
that cotpz is bounded on the square with corners at
(b) Evaluate
ó õ
dx |
by contour integration.
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