Answer TWO questions
Let f:[0,1]® \Bbb R be defined by
[You may assume, without proof, the fact that the set of rationals in [0,1] has measure zero. Also, results about Riemann integrability in terms of upper and lower Riemann sums may be used without proof. However, the use of any of these results must be clearly explained.]
2. Let f:I® \Bbb R where I = [a,b] and suppose
f Î L(I). For any x Î [a,b] let Ix = [a,x] and define
F0:[a,b]®\Bbb R by
Show also that if f is continuous on I and F is any primitive of f on I, then
For x > 0, the function l is defined by
Note. In the following question,
all integrals are Lebesgue integrals.
3. State carefully, but without proof, Levi's Monotone Convergence Theorem and Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem for sequences of Lebesgue integrable functions.
Let f,g be defined on I = ]0,¥[ by f(x) = e-xxa-1 and g(x) = e-x/2, where a is a constant greater than 0.
[Hint for (iii): Since e-x/2xa-1 ® 0 as x®¥, it is bounded on [1,¥[.]