Answer TWO questions
(ii) Let áIn ñ be a sequence of open intervals in
I = ]0,1[ which covers all the rational points in I and such that
the sum of the lengths of these intervals is less than 1/2. Let
T = ÈIn and let cT be the characteristic function of
T, that is, cT(x) = 1 if x Î T and cT(x) = 0 if
x\not Î T. Show that cT is in Linc(I) but
-cT is not in Linc(I).
(iii) What does the above example
say about the space Linc(I)? Explain
very briefly how this difficulty is remedied in the definition of
2. (i) State carefully Levi's Monotone Convergence Theorem
and Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem for Lebesgue integrable
(ii) Give an example of a sequence of functions áfnñ
such that each fn is integrable, the sequence converges to an
integrable function f, but the sequence of integrals
áòfnñ does not converge to òf. Explain
why this sequence does not contradict Levi's or Lebesgue's
(iii) Show that if f is a non-negative function in L1 and
the Lebesgue integral òf = 0 then f = 0 a.e.
(iv) Give an example of a sequence of functions áfnñ which
is bounded, each fn is Riemann integrable, and the sequence converges
to a limit function f which is Lebesgue integrable but not Riemann
integrable. Explain clearly why your choice of sequence satisfies
all these conditions.
(v) Let the function f be defined by f(x) = 1/(1+x2) for all
x ³ 0. By finding a sequence of functions which converges
appropriately to f show that the Lebesgue integral ò0¥ f
exists and find the value of this integral.
3. (i) Let I be the interval [a,b]. Suppose that for any
function f:I® \mathbbR continuous on
I = [a,b] and for any sub-interval J of I there
is defined a number denoted by SJ(f) satisfying the following
Let F:I®\mathbbR be defined by F(x) = SIx(f), where Ix is the interval [a,x]. Show that F¢(x) exists and is equal to f(x) for all x Î [a,b].
Also, if H:[a,b]® \mathbbR is any other function such that H¢(x) = f(x) for all x Î [a,b], show that S[a,b](f) = H(b)-H(a).
(ii) Now, in the above, let a = 1 and f(t) = 1/t
for all t ³ 1, and let g(x) = 4xF(x).
By differentiating x2(2F(x)-1) find