Answer FOUR questions
(b) Let p,q,r be real numbers with q > 0 and let f:\Bbb R®\Bbb R
be defined by
2. Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. Show that the
equivalence classes of the relation on A form a partition of A.
Find the fallacy in the following ``proof'' that if R is symmetric
and transitive then it is also reflexive:
Let a Î A and let aRb for some b Î A. Then, aRb implies bRa (since R is symmetric). But aRb and bRa together imply that aRa (since R is transitive). Therefore R is reflexive.
Let A = {1,2,3}. Give examples of three relations R1, R2, R3
on A such that
3. (a) Let A Ì B Í \Bbb R, A ¹ B and suppose
B is bounded. Explain why the suprema and infima of A and B exist,
and show that
(b) Let A,B Í \Bbb R such that a < b for all
a Î A, b Î B. Explain why supA and infB exist, and show that
[The Completeness Axiom of Real Numbers may be assumed but, if used,
must be clearly stated.]
4. A binary sequence is here defined to be an infinite
sequence each of whose terms is either 0 or 1. Let S be the set of
all such sequences.
Prove that S is uncountable.
Deduce that
5. State and prove the Unique Factorisation Theorem for positive
6. Let f:S® T be a function and let A1,A2 Í S and
B1,B2 Í f(S). Prove, or give a counterexample to disprove,
each of the following: