Answer TWO questions
Deduce that if |G| = pn and |H| = pn-1 (p a prime), then H is
a normal subgroup of G.
[Hint for second part: Let q be the action defined in the first
part, let ker(q) be its kernel, and let q(G) be its range.
From the First Isomorphism Theorem, deduce that |q(G)| = pk, for some
k. From q(G) £ SX deduce that k £ 1. From the First
Isomorphism Theorem again deduce that |ker(q)| ³ pn-1.]
2. State the three theorems of Sylow and sketch the proof of one
of them.
Let the group G have order 2pq, where p,q are odd primes with
q > 2p and p ¹ 1 mod q. Prove that G has a normal subgroup of
order q and a normal subgroup of order p.
How many elements of order q does G have? How many elements of
order p does it have?
Give two examples of groups of order 2pq having different numbers
of elements of order 2.
3. Let G be a group, Aut(G) its group of automorphisms,
Inn(G) its group of innner automorphisms, and Z(G) its centre.
Prove that
Now consider the dihedral group D4, that is, the group
What is the centre of D4? Deduce that Inn(D4) @ D4.
Write down the orders of all the elements of D4.
Let q be an automorphism of D4. Show that q(r) can only
be r or r3 and that q(s) can only be one of ris, 1 £ i £ 4.
Deduce that |Aut(D4)| £ 8 and hence
that Aut(D4) @ Inn(D4) @ D4.