Department of Mathematics

B.Sc. Part II

January Session 1996

MA211 Group Theory 22 January 1996


Answer TWO questions

1. Let G be a group, H a subgroup of G, and |X| the set of left cosets of H in G. Show that there is an action of G on X such that the kernel of the action is the largest normal subgroup of G which is contained in H.

Deduce that if |G| = pn and |H| = pn-1 (p a prime), then H is a normal subgroup of G.

[Hint for second part: Let q be the action defined in the first part, let ker(q) be its kernel, and let q(G) be its range. From the First Isomorphism Theorem, deduce that |q(G)| = pk, for some k. From q(G) £ SX deduce that k £ 1. From the First Isomorphism Theorem again deduce that |ker(q)| ³ pn-1.]

2. State the three theorems of Sylow and sketch the proof of one of them.

Let the group G have order 2pq, where p,q are odd primes with q > 2p and p ¹ 1 mod q. Prove that G has a normal subgroup of order q and a normal subgroup of order p.

How many elements of order q does G have? How many elements of order p does it have?

Give two examples of groups of order 2pq having different numbers of elements of order 2.

3. Let G be a group, Aut(G) its group of automorphisms, Inn(G) its group of innner automorphisms, and Z(G) its centre. Prove that

@ Inn(G).

Now consider the dihedral group D4, that is, the group

< r,s|r4 = s2 = 1, sr = r-1s = r3s > .

What is the centre of D4? Deduce that Inn(D4) @ D4.

Write down the orders of all the elements of D4.

Let q be an automorphism of D4. Show that q(r) can only be r or r3 and that q(s) can only be one of ris, 1 £ i £ 4.

Deduce that |Aut(D4)| £ 8 and hence that Aut(D4) @ Inn(D4) @ D4.

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