Answer THREE questions
Indicate briefly how this result can be used to show that if f is analytic on a convex set U then the integral of f round any closed contour in U is equal to zero.
2. Suppose f:\Bbb C®\Bbb C is analytic for all z in
\Bbb C and that there exists a constant M such that |f(z)| £ M
for all z Î \Bbb C. Let a, b Î \Bbb C, a ¹ b
and let R be a real number such that a and b lie inside
the circle |z| = R. By resolving 1/(z-a)(z-b) into partial
fractions and applying Cauchy's Integral Formula evaluate
Find the limit of I as R ® ¥. Deduce that f is constant.
[Liouville's Theorem should not be used in this problem.]
3. State and prove Cauchy's Integral Formula.
Let f:U®\Bbb C be analytic on the open region U Ì \Bbb C. Let z0 Î U and let R be a positive real number such that the closed disc [`(D)] with centre z0 and radius R is included in U. Prove that, in D, the function f can be written as a power series centre z0.
4. (a) Prove that, for all finite z except 0,
(b) Classify the singularities of the function
5. (a) The only singularities in [`(\Bbb C)] (that is,
including the point at infinity) are simple poles at z = 1 and z = 2, with
residues at these poles equal to -3 and 7, respectively. If
f(0) = 1/2, determine the function f.
(b) Evaluate, by means of contour integration, the integral