Answer THREE questions
Indicate briefly how this result can be used to show that if f is analytic on a convex set U then the integral of f round any closed contour in U is equal to zero.
2. Let a Î \Bbb C, R Î \Bbb R, R > 0, and let f be analytic
on [`(D)] = {z Î \Bbb C: |z-a| £ R}. Prove that, for all
z Î D,
Now consider the power series expansion of f(z) = ez about the
origin. Using the above inequality, what is the best lower
bound for n! in terms of n and e which you can obtain?
3. (a) Let f be a function which is analytic over all \Bbb C.
Suppose there is a constant M such that |f(z)| £ M for all z Î \Bbb C.
Prove that f is constant.
[Any results quoted in Question 2 may be used without proof, if required, but their use must be clearly indicated.]
(b) Let p(z) = a0+a1z+...+anzn be a polynomial over \Bbb C with
degree n ³ 1. Show that, if |z| > 1, then
By finding the limit of I as R®¥, show that the sum of the residues of 1/p(z) at all the roots of p is zero.
4. Show, by means of contour integration, that
| (a) |
| (b) |
5. Let g be a circle with centre at the origin and radius 1
and let a Î \Bbb C.
Prove that
Deduce that