MA141 Discrete Methods September 2000
MCU202 Discrete Methods
MA141 (Faculties of Science, Education, Arts)
Answer THREE questions. Time allowed TWO hours.
MCU202 (I.T. Board) students:
Answer TWO questions. Time allowed ONE AND A HALF hours.
(b) Let S(n,k) denote the number of ways of partitioning an n-set
into k parts. Prove that
(c) In how many ways can six identical balls be distributed amongst four
distinguishable boxes so that no box is empty?
(d) In how many ways can six distinguishable balls be distributed amongst
four distinguishable boxes so that no box is empty?
2. (a) Let A1,A2,¼,An denote
finite sets and let ai (1 £ i £ n) denote the sum
of the cardinalities of the intersections of the sets taken i at
a time. Write down and prove the Inclusion-Exclusion Formula
giving |A1ÈA2ȼÈAn| in terms of the
(b) Find the number of five-letter words that use letters
from the set {a,b,g} and such that none of these
three letters is missing from any word.
(c) How many permutations are there of the digits 1,2,¼,100
in which no odd number appears in its natural position?
[In (c) you may give your answer as a summation of terms involving factorials.]
3. Solve the following recurrence relation
4. (a) Let p(n) denote the number of partitions of the
positive integer n and let p(n|P) denote the number
of partitions of n having property P.
Write down the generating functions of each of the following
Show that
(b) Solve the following recurrence relation