4. Give a sketch of the proof of Frucht's Theorem:
If G is a finite group, then there exists a graph G such that Aut G @ G.
Let An be the alternating group acting on the set N = {1,2,...,n}. Show that there is no graph G with V(G) = N and such that the action of Aut G on V(G) is equivalent to that of An.
Give a sketch of the proof of Bouwer's Theorem:
Let G be a group of permutations acting on the set X. Then there exists a graph G such that X Í V(G), Aut G @ G, X is invariant under the action of Aut G, and the action of Aut G on X is equivalent to that of G.
It is required to construct two graphs G1, G2 with the following properties. Both graphs have endvertices; the set of endvertices in Gi is Xi. Moreover,
For only one of the two graphs G1, G2, explain how, with the aid of Bouwer's Theorem, the graph Gi can be constructed if it is possible to construct a permutation group Gi acting on Xi and satisfying certain conditions. [You should state clearly what conditions Gi is supposed to satisfy, but you do not need to construct a specific example of a permutation group with these conditions.]
5. Let G be a finite group and S Í G such that
S-1 = S, 1\not Î S. Let the Cayley graph G(G,S) be
defined by V(G(G,S)) = G
and E(G(G,S)) = {{g,gs}: g Î G, s Î S}. Prove that G
is isomorphic to a subgraph of Aut G(G,S) which acts regularly
on V(G).
Show, by means of an example, that G need not be the full automorphism group of G(G, S).
From now on suppose that G is a vertex-transitive graph whose automorphism group Aut G acts regularly on V(G).
Prove that, for some S Í Aut G, G is isomorphic to the Cayley graph G(Aut G, S).
Now suppose also that |V(G)| is odd.
Prove that Aut G is not abelian.
Prove also that, if v is any vertex of G, then, in G-v, for any vertex w there is a vertex w¢ ¹ w such that w and w¢ are pseudosimilar in G-v.
6. (a) Let G be a graph on n vertices and m ³ n edges.
In the sequel, for any graph H, s(H) denotes the number of subgraphs
of G isomorphic to H. Let Ct denote the cycle on t vertices.
Prove that
Deduce that s(Cn) is reconstructible from the deck of vertex-deleted subgraphs of G.
Indicate very briefly how this result gives that the characteristic polynomial of G is reconstructible.
[Kelly's Lemma may be used without proof.]
(b) Let G be a vertex-transitive and edge-transitive graph. Suppose also
that G is not symmetric. (G is said to be symmetric if, for
any two edges {a,b}, {c,d}, there exist a, b Î Aut G
such that a(a) = c, a(b) = d and b(a) = d, b(b) = c.)
With every edge {a,b} we associate two ordered pairs (a,b) and (b,a) which we call arcs. If the arc (a,b) is denoted by t then (b,a) is denoted by t-1. The automorphism group Aut G induces an action on the set of arcs by
Let t be an arc, and let D be a digraph whose vertex-set is V(G) and whose arc-set is the orbit of t under the action of Aut G. Prove that