University of Malta

Antonio Mollicone
Descriptive Geometry
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Applications of Descriptive Geometry

The theory of linear shadows and chiaro-scuro

The theory of shadows and chiaro-scuro is one of the “Applications of Descriptive Geometry”.

Re-reading “La Teoria delle Ombre e del Chiaro-scuro “ (Tessari 1880)  the link-integration between the scientific basis of drawing and computer modelling was established in the context of the drive to the renewal of the knowledge on Descriptive Geometry acquired so far.

The study faces the scientific-disciplinary contents established for the subjects ICAR/17-Disegno (established by Legal Notice).

In order to avoid a blind imitative work, each problem has been revisited, by means of computer tools, making sure to:

verify results predicted by theory;

study the formal structures of bodies with the study of the behaviour of light on themselves (research of the shadow/shade contours or apparent contour, level of light intensity or chiaro-scuro), exploiting the potential of computer tools (accuracy, ease of generation of views);

consider the basic and/or important problems, however solvable independently with the various methods, with construction-visualisation (drawing in virtual space) of the linear shadows, applying all the “steps and elements” of representation (projections; intersections);

deepen the basic notions useful for the visual and practical experience (life drawing); the knowledge of theory (descriptive geometry); the use of classic representation (technical-artistic drawing); the exercise of computer modelling.

The result of this verification (link-integration) falls within the general contribution to the teaching: thanks to the potential of the software, any desired view can be utilised for an illustration of the text up till now limited to those typical of classical representation methods.

In addition to this, both the accuracy of the software and the virtual manipulation of the model, made it possible, for some problems, to develop alternative solutions which are proposed as original contribution.

For every topic the contribution of a general nature is highlighted in blue and the original contribution is highlighted in red: the respective figures are framed with said colours.

For the figures the same numbering of the text of Tessari was kept and every exercise is illustrated from multiple views (captured from the computer model), ordered with the same whole number and with alphabetical suffixes (Fig. 24 a ; Fig. 24 b …). This text is translated from Italian.

Every problem is dealt within the space of one or two pages and more pages in some exception; any possible detailed development are added in the following page.

Last Updated: 25 January 2012

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