(2012 - 2013)




Triq Il-Barrakki, Marsaxlokk, MXK 1531, Malta
TEL: (+356) 23407831 Email:

Lifestyle Trends for Heating and Cooling in Maltese Households
Aaron Grech and Charles Yousif
Occasional Papers on Islands and Small States, Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta, Malta, No. 5, 2013, ISSN 1024-6282
Lifestyle Trends for Heating and Cooling in Maltese Households
Aaron Grech, Charles Yousif
Proceedings of the 13th European IAEE Conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, 18-21 August 2013

Ground-Source Heat Pumps using Phase Change Materials

Michele Bottarelli, Aleksandar Georgiev, Ahmet Alper Aydin, Yuehong Su, Charles Yousif
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Storage, Sustainable Energy Storage in Buildings, Final Conference of COST Action TU0802: Next generation cost e!ective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings (NeCoE-PCM), June 19-21, 2013, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Asset and Operational Energy Performance Rating of a Modern Apartment in Malta

Charles Yousif, Raquel Mucientes Diez, and Francisco Javier Rey Martínez

Journal of Smart Innovations, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 22, Chapter 50, pp. 531-543, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013,  A. Håkansson et al. (Eds.), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36645-1_50


Ground-Source Heat Pumps using Phase Change Materials
Michele Bottarelli, Aleksandar Georgiev, Ahmet Alper Aydin, Yuehong Su, Charles Yousif
Proceedings of the European Geothermal Congress 2013, Pisa, Italy, 3-7 June 2013

Performance of a Solar-assisted Thermodynamic Heat Pump for Water Heating

Charles Yousif, Irene Teresa Cubero and Martin De Bono
Proceedings of the Sustainable Energy 2013: The ISE Annual Conference, 21 March 2013, Qawra, Malta, pp. 54-62, ISBN 978-99957-0-460-5

Total Ozone Column, Aerosol, and Precipitable Water Effect on Erythemal Ultraviolet Radiation in Malta

Julia Bilbao, Roberto Román, Charles Yousif, David Mateos, Argimiro de Miguel

European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2013), Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-2211-1, 2013, Vienna, Austria, 2013

Ground-Source Heat Global, diffuse, direct and ultraviolet solar irradiance recorded in Malta and atmospheric component influences

Bilbao J, Román R, Yousif C, Pérez-Burgos A, de Miguel A

Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress 2013, 3-7 November, 2013, Cancun, Mexico

The New Brewhouse, Mriehel: Environmental Control through Natural Ventilation and Shading Devices

G. Caruana Smith, A. Miceli Farrugia, M. Cristobal and C. Yousif

Proceedings of the Sustainable Energy 2013: The ISE Annual Conference, 21st March 2013, Qawra, Malta, pp. 7-15, ISBN 978-99957-0-460-5.

Testing the Potential of Voltage Regulation for Achieving Higher Energy Efficiency
Cedric Caruana, Charles Yousif and Martin Debono
Proceedings of the Sustainable Energy 2013: The ISE Annual Conference, 21 March 2013, Qawra, Malta, pp. 7-15, ISBN 978-99957-0-460-5

Asset and Operational Energy Performance Rating of a Modern Apartment in Malta
Charles Yousif, Raquel Mucientes Diez, and Francisco Javier Rey Martínez
Proceedings of the Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB'12, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 - 5 September 2012, Journal of Smart Innovations, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 22, Chapter 50, pp. 531-543, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013,  A. Håkansson et al. (Eds.), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36645-1_50

Comparison of Solar Radiation in Marsaxlokk, Malta and Valladolid, Spain
Gorka Oña Quecedo, Charles Yousif and Julia Bilbao Santos
Peer reviewed publication in Renewable Energy Journal, Vol. 49, (2013), pp. 203-206, Elsevier Publishers
Available Online DOI information: 10.1016/j.renene.2012.01.031

Optimising Photovoltaic Power Generation and Useable Area by Varying the Solar Module Tilt
Marcos Gomez Rebe,, Luciano Mule’ Stagno, Charles Yousif
Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2013), Paris, France, 30 Sep. - 4 Oct. 2013

Increasing PV Panels Output with Flat Reflectors
Martin Grech, Luciano Mule’ Stagno, Charles Yousif
Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2013), Paris, France, 30 Sep. - 4 Oct. 2013

Increasing PV Module Output with Flat Reflectors—A Scenario in Malta
Martin Grech, Luciano Mule’ Stagno, Charles Yousif
Proceedings of the Sustainable Energy 2013: The ISE Annual Conference, 21st March 2013, Qawra, Malta, pp. 1-6, ISBN 978-99957-0-460-5.

Renewable Energy Contribution of Air-Conditioning Heat Pumps for the Domestic Sector in Malta
Yousif, Charles, Ruiz Sánchez, Carlos Javier
Proceedings of Clima 2013, 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, 16th-19th June 2013, Prague, Czech Republic

Evaluation of Design Features to Achieve Higher Energy Efficiency for a Modern Office Building in Malta
Yousif, Charles, Cristóbal Manchado, María
Proceedings of Clima 2013, 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, 16th-19th June 2013, Prague, Czech Republic

Performance of a Solar-assisted Thermodynamic Heat Pump for Water Heating
Charles Yousif, Irene Teresa Cubero and Martin De Bono
Proceedings of the Sustainable Energy 2013: The ISE Annual Conference, 21st March 2013, Qawra, Malta, pp. 80-84, ISBN 978-99957-0-460-5.

The New Brewhouse, Mriehel: Environmental Control through Natural Ventilation and Shading Devices
G. Caruana Smith, A. Miceli Farrugia, M. Cristobal and C. Yousif
Proceedings of the 8th Energy Forum on Advanced Building Skins, 5-6 November, 2013, Bressanone, Italy

Asset and Operational Energy Performance Rating of a Modern Apartment in Malta
Charles Yousif. Raquel  Mucienetes Diez and Francisco Javier  Rey Martinez
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2012 (SEB’12), Stockholm, Sweden, 3-5 September 2012.

Comparison of Solar Radiation in Marsaxlokk, Malta and Valladolid, Spain
Gorka Oña Quecedo, Charles Yousif and Julia Bilbao Santos
Renewable Energy Journal, Vol. 49, (2013), pp. 203-206, Elsevier Publishers

DOI information: 10.1016/j.renene.2012.01.031

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