Research is based on the application of Mechanical Engineering Principles to the area of study and research of Maritime Engineering and Applied Engineering Mechanics, predominantly in the field of Naval Architecture, Composite Structures and Damage Mechanics of Advanced Materials.
Research Interests
- light weight composite materials & sandwich structures
- impact mechanics
- structural analysis – experimental and computational
- naval architecture
- fracture mechanics
Research Areas
Naval Architecture - Craft Design, Performance, Characterisation and Hull Structure Design
- Ship Design, Sea Keeping and Ship Damage Analysis on Impact and Grounding
- Damage Analysis on Marine Vessel
- Engineering Analysis of the S.S. Ohio
Maritime Engineering
- Decreasing the Sloshing effect on Ship
- Floating Offshore Wind Turbine platform concept for Central Mediterranean Conditions
- Design of energy efficient sea-faring vessels
Composite Structures and Damage Mechanics of Advanced Materials
- Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Light Weight Bio-Composites
- Developing Local Agave Natural Fibre Composites
- FACTS - Fabrication of Advanced Hybrid Composite Sandwich Panels - Testing & Simulation
- Light Weight Structures for Maritime Applications - Design, Fabrication, Characterisation, Testing & Simulation
- Impact Mechanics of Composite Structures
- Damage Analysis on Marine Vessels
Funded Projects
- Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Light Weight Bio-Composites (2021 - ). Funded through the University of Malta Research Fund Committee. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- CAVEAT- CAVitation Experimentation Acquisition Technology Project supported through the Maritime Seed Award 2021. Co-Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C. Budget: 6,500 EUR
- DLANComp - Developing Local Agave Natural Fibre Composites - Funded by: University of Malta TRAKE - Transdisciplinary Research and Knowledge Exchange Complex, Duration: March 2021 - August 2023, Co-Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.; Industrial partners: SilverCraft Products Ltd. Funding body: University of Malta; Project Fund: Employment cost for a postdoctoral researcher (2.5 years) + €15,000 research costs
- VENTuRE - Virtual and physical Experimental Towing centre for the design of energy efficient sea-faring vessels, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03, Project Number 856887 - De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C,. Project Leader 1 January 2020 to 31 December2022, Project Partners University of Strathclyde, GB, University of Genoa, IT & Naval Architectural Services (NAS), Ltd, MT. Funding body: EU-H2020, Project Fund: Euro7999902, UM Workshare Value: Euro 344927
- reSEArch-EU - reinforce SustainablE Actions, resilience, cooperation and harmonisation across and by the SEA-EU Alliance, Participants: Universities of Cadiz (Spain), Split (Croatia), Western Brittany (France), Kiel (Germany), Gdansk (Poland) and Malta, Duration: 2020 -2023, Funding body: H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-1-2020, Project number: 101017454-CSA-LSP-H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-1-2020, UM Budget: 325,027.00 EUR
- SEA-EU - European University of the Seas, Participants: Universities of Cadiz (Spain), Split (Croatia), Western Brittany (France), Kiel (Germany), Gdansk (Poland) and Malta, Duration: 2019 - 2022, Funding body: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices: European Universities Initiative, Project number: 612468-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-EUR-UNIV, UM Budget: 993,220.58 EUR (including co-financing)
- DeSloSH - Decreasing the Sloshing effect on Ship. Project supported through the Maritime Seed Award 2020. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- MedFOWT - A versatile Floating Offshore Wind Turbine platform concept for Central Mediterranean Conditions. Project supported through the Maritime Seed Award 2020. Co-Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- IPAS+ Renewable, sustainable & Eco-friendLy Agave CompositEs – REpLACE - IPAS-2019-001, 1 August 2019 to 30 September 2020, Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme PLUs – IPAS+ Part B – 2019. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- ELCAPA - Exploiting Local Agave Plants, (2019 - 2020). Project supported through the Maritime Seed Award 2018. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- Light Weight Green Composites for a Sustainable Future in Maritime Applications (2018 - 2020). Funded through the University of Malta Research Fund Committee. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- Light Weight Structures for Maritime Applications – Design, Fabrication, Characterisation, Testing & Simulation (2015 - 2017). Funded through the University of Malta Research Fund Committee. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- Damage Analysis on Marine Vessels due to Impact and Grounding (2012 - 2014). Funded through the University of Malta Research Fund Committee. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- European Union Programme Agency (EUPA) Erasmus Preparatory Visit. (2013) For the setting up of an Erasmus exchange between the University of Malta and the University of Southampton, UK. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- Fabrication of Advanced Hybrid Composite Sandwich Panels - Testing & Simulation – FACTS. (2011 – 2013) Funded through the Malta Council for Science and Technology, MCST: R&I-2011-002, Budget € 95,660, in collaboration with Buccaneer Boats Ltd, Gudja Malta. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- Ship Design, Sea Keeping and Ship Damage Analysis on Impact and Grounding (2009 - 2012). Funded through the University of Malta Research Fund Committee. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- The Tearing of Ships’ Plating upon Grounding. (1989 – 1992). Funded through Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC/Maritime Technical Directorate MTD/ Ministry of Defence MoD, UK, grant number: No. GR/J42014, budget £STG132,208. Principal Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
- The Tearing of Packaging Materials. (1993 – 1996). Funded through Science Engineering Research Council, SERC, UK, grant number: No. GR/F20100, budget £STG44,160. Co-Investigator: De Marco Muscat-Fenech, C.
Department of Mechanical Engineering Website