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Research Interests:

  • Reproductive epidemiology and medical sociology:  A significant number of publications  over the years have dealt with various aspects of reproductive epdemiology and medical sociology. These have included dedicated studies to identify patients at high risk of obstetric and gynaecological complications.  Other studies have analysed the changing patterns of reproductive outcomes throughout the decades.
  • Diabetes mellitus: The DScMed thesis was entitled "The Significance of GIGT in the Maltese population". This work has been further extended to study the contribution of intra-uterine environment and foetal growth to the eventual development of the metaboilic syndrome in adult life. Other aspects of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy have also been studied, including the identification of risk factors and assessment of diagnostic criteria.
  • Medical history: Various aspects of medical history have been studied and published in several books, monographs and articles.
  • Natural Sciences: Publications in this field have particularly related to Maltese geological, palaentological, herpetological and mammological studies.

*Published books and monographs