Research Outcome
WP1 : Sample collection and I.T. infrastructure Sample collection for 2011-2014 seasons
WP2 : Honey content analysis
WP3: Forage area analysis and mapping
Seasonal spatial maps
WP4: Library construction
Microscope slide library was prepared by the collection of several pollen samples (approximately 200 samples) from a large number of plants on which bees forage. These include wild plants, ornamental plants and crop plants, according to season. For each honey sample a total of twelve replicates (slides) were prepared. This results in the preparation of 1764 honey slides.
WP5: DNA Analysis DNA extraction from honey samples.
Project Funded by the Malta Council for Science and Technology
Designed and Coordination by Prof. Everaldo Attard. All rights reserved 2002-2012.
Last Update: 20th Deccember 2012
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