Evaluating the influence of pre-exercise and post-exercise stretching on performance in young athletes

AuthorLeandros Calleja
AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of timing of stretching within a training session and during competitions, in terms of improving performance. A random sample of 35 athletes (12 to 16 years) was divided into four groups. Pre-exercise stretching (Group 1) was compared to post-exercise stretching (Group 2), stretching both before and after exercise (Group 3) and not stretching at all (Group 4). All four groups were monitored over an 18 week period and tested at regular intervals using a pre-test (T1), post-test (T5) and three intermediate testing dates (T2, T3, T4). A well-established battery of tests was used to monitor flexibility, explosive power, coordination, balance, agility, speed and endurance. The study showed that each of the parameters tested was affected differently by stretching status. The effects of stretching on flexibility indicate that stretching has minimal influence on this parameter when investigated as only one part of the whole training session. Similar but more marked effects were reported for balance. In contrast, co-ordination and speed were both negatively influenced by the stretching regime. No significant relationship was obtained between different timing of stretching and agility (p>0.05). Although all groups enhanced their endurance capacities, the best improvement was noted in Group 3 between T1 and T5 (p=0.0156), indicating that stretching after exercise has the greatest effect on stamina. The results suggest that the timing of the stretching protocol affects different parameters of athletic performance in different ways. In conclusion, athletes should select the timing of stretching depending on the specific training session to be undertaken.

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JournalB.Sc. (Honours) Physiotherapy, University of Malta
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Key wordsphysiotherapy, stretching, timing, performance, exercise

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace