Education in logopaedics in the Maltese Islands

AuthorH Grech
AbstractThe Communication Therapy (CT) Division of the University of Malta is relatively small and young and is the only local training establishment of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in the Maltese Islands. It aims to achieve a distinctive profile of excellence and international standing in the education and training of caring, accountable and autonomous SLPs. Various strategies are adopted by the CT Division in order to reach its goals and to overcome its limitations and challenges. These include running its own Teaching and Research Clinic, engaging in European staff/student exchange and conducting research projects with other organizations to develop scientific data and tools for use with the Maltese communication-disordered population.

Published in:
JournalFolia Phoniatr Logop
Volume58 (1)
Pages36 - 40
Link to journal

Key wordseducation, communication therapy, speech and language pathology

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace