Colorectal surgery

AuthorsP Andrejevic
A R Attard
AbstractLaparoscopic surgery has revolutionised the treatment of gallstones resulting in shorter hospital stay, less pain and faster return to productive life when compared to the traditional open technique. Laparoscopic assisted surgery is being applied increasingly to colorectal surgery on the assumption that it will have fewer side effects and improve recovery. The aim of this study was to compare, retrospectively, the results of the first 10 laparoscopic assisted colorectal procedures (Group A) performed on our unit with the 10 open procedures (Group B) performed immediately before the introduction of this technique. These 20 patients underwent colorectal excision during the period November 2001 June 2003. The indications for surgery were similar in each group. 8 had an anterior resection for rectal carcinoma and 2 underwent sigmoid colectomy for diverticular disease. All procedures were performed by the same surgeon. Patients notes were examined and analgesia requirement, recovery of intestinal function, hospital stay and postoperative complications in each group were compared. Results show that in Group A, only 1 patient required opiate analgesia compared to all 10 patients in Group B. The average length of time for recovery of intestinal function was 36 hours in Group A compared to 4 days in Group B. Hospital stay was also shorter (mean of 4 days Group A; mean of 8 days in Group B). No infective complications were seen in Group A while 2 patients developed a superficial wound infection in Group B. No anastamotic leaks were observed. Our initial results show that laparoscopic assisted colorectal surgery is safe, improves postoperative recovery and is associated with a shorter hospital stay when compared with the traditional open technique. Further evaluation of this technique is therefore worthwhile.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
Pages -
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Key wordscolorectal surgery, laparoscopy

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace