Laparoscopic electrocautery therapy to ovaries in patients with infertility

AuthorsJ P C Mamo
A Armatys
J Mamo
AbstractObjectives: Electrocautery therapy is used laparoscopically for the treatment of patients presenting with subfertility, especially in polycystic ovarian disease and endometriosis. This study reviews the patients undergoing laparoscopic electrocautery of the ovaries. The need for gonadotrophins and pregnancy outcome is also assessed. Method: One hundred and twenty women (age 22 39) who underwent laparoscopy as an investigation of infertility, were treated with laparoscopic electrocautery to the ovaries if transvaginal ultrasound indicated polycystic ovarian disease. Additional treatment with goserilin subcutaneous implants if the diagnosis of endometriosis was confirmed at laparoscopy. Patients were selected after undergoing at least three cycles of clomiphene and 2 cycles of gonadotrophin therapy. Forty-five underwent electrocautery to the ovaries while forty were also treated with goserilin subcutaneous implants. Thirty-five needed no electrocautery. All patients were managed by gonadotrophin stimulation if pregnancy did not ensue spontaneously within 6 months of therapy. Conclusion: Patients undergoing electrocautery required less therapy with gonadotrophins. Pregnancy rate was higher and hyperstimulation was less frequent.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
Volume15 Issue 1-2/suppl. 2003
Pages -
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Key wordselectrocautery, laparoscopy, infertility, pregnancy, hyperstimulation

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace