Use of Amplatzer ASO (atrial septal occluder) devices in three unusual patients

AuthorsA Falzon
V Grech
J V Degiovanni
AbstractThe Amplatzer device has been used to close a wide variety of interatrial septal defects, ranging from atrial septal defects (ASD) in children and adults, to persistently patent foramen ovale (PFO) with paradoxical embolism in older individuals. The device has also been used for palliation in complex congenital heart disease. We report the use of this device to close a residual significant ASD after surgical closure of ASD. Our patient had surgery for ASD at 34 years of age at a tertiary referral centre where a 2x3cm defect was closed by direct suture. She represented four years later with palpitations. An angiogram showed a significant defect low in the interatrial septum. An atrial septal defect device (Amplatzer) was successfully deployed across the defect under transoesophageal echocardiography and fluoroscopy control with complete occlusion along with concurrent electrophysiological study and ablation for her tachycardia. We also report two children who had critical pulmonary stenosis with attempted balloon dilation in the neonatal period. This failed in both cases and surgery was undertaken. They both remained with persistent cyanosis (saturations in the high 80s associated with clubbing) which was caused by residual atrial septal defects. In both children, the defects were successfully closed with Amplatzer devices (two devices in one child) with dramatic improvement in saturations.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
VolumeVolume 15 (suppl)
Pages -
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Key wordsamplatzer, atrial septal occluder device, congenital heart disease, atrial septal defect, cardiology

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace