Seasonality of births is associated with seasonality of marriages in Malta

AuthorsV Grech
C Savona Ventura
H Agius Muscat
L Janulova
AbstractThis study quantifies secular trends in seasonal variation in births in Malta, a small Mediterranean country where the vast proportion of births occur in wedlock due to a predominantly Roman-Catholic population. This study also related such variations to seasonal variation in marriages over (1950-1996). A significant peak in marriages (n=111,932) in the third quarter of the year was found for almost the entire period under study. This was paralleled by a peak in births (n=299,558) for the period 1970-1996, which lagged by 13-14 months after the peak in marriages. For the period 1994-1996 (monthly data available by pregnancy order), the peak in births was caused by first pregnancies only. Seasonal patterns in births occur almost universally due to cultural and/or biometeorological factors. In Malta, the reason for a late summer peak in births appears to be due to a practical and planned approach by Maltese couples to contraceptive planning, probably influenced by the Roman-Catholic ethos and social pressures, with unprotected intercourse occurring only after marriage. In Malta, birth control, (natural methods) was introduced in the 1960s. Prior to this period, births peaked toward the beginning/end of the year, and this may be the more natural pattern.

Published in:
JournalMalta Medical Journal
VolumeVolume 15 (suppl)
Pages -
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Key wordsseasonality, births, marriages, epidemiology

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace