Health-related issues of importance to school children with asthma

AuthorsMaria Cordina
James C McElnay
Carmel M Hughes
Anthony G Fenech
AbstractObjective: Research on asthma has mainly focused on the pathophysiology and pharmacology but little has been done to examine what aspects of asthma are important to children and the ways in which asthma impinges on their lives. The aim of the present study was to investigate, via qualitative methodology, health related issues which are important to school children with asthma. Methods: Participants between the ages of 6-15 years were recruited through schools. Focus group discussions were used to assess childrens knowledge and feelings about asthma medication, impact of asthma on lifestyle, relationships with peer groups, and family life. The general care of asthmatics was explored. The data were analysed using QSR.NUDIST. Setting: Schools in Malta Key findings: 29 children participated in the study; they showed a relatively limited knowledge of asthma and asthma medication. The use of medication elicited negative feelings. Asthma had a significant impact on the participants lifestyle and that of their families, which caused them to feel different from their peers. Participants aged 11-15 years exhibited assertiveness, showed autonomy in the management of their condition and demanded better care from their doctors and schools. Conclusion: This study highlights issues of importance which need to be addressed by health care providers.

Published in:
JournalJournal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Volume19 (5)
Pages162 -
Link to journal

Key wordsAsthma, asthma medication, children

Compiled by: Dr. I. Stabile    Dr. J. Pace