MOV.W R12,R5
CALL #malloc

MOV.W R6,R15
AND.W #0xFF,R15
AND.W #0xFF00,R6
ADD.W R15,R6

MOV.W R7,R14
AND.W #0xFF00,R14
AND.W #0xFF,R7

MOV.W R12,R11
MOV.W R12,R9
ADD.W R5,R11

SUB.W #8,R11


MOV.W SP,0x0006(R11)

MOV.W R11,R13

Prof. Joshua Ellul

Director & Associate Professor // Centre for Distributed Ledger Technologies
University of Malta



My research interests are focused around the domains:
* Blockchain, DLT, Smart Contracts, and Cryptocurrencies
* Internet of Things

I am interested in both technical as well as multidisciplinary aspects.

Current specific technical research avenues in the above domains I am interested in include:
* Unconventional virtual machine design
* Unconventional architectural design
* Easier programming abstractions and tools (programming paradigms, languages, verification)
* Application of AI (e.g. identifying trading patterns, illicit account detection)

Current multidisciplinary research avenues in the above domains I am interested in include:
* Regulatory technology and the regulation of technology - especially emerging technology (AI, Blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse etc)
* Smart contracts vs Legal contracts and working towards Legal Smart Contracts

Blockchain is a multi-disciplinary area that will affect many different domains, we have therefore set up a multi-disciplinary Masters in the Centre for Distributed Ledger Technologies.

If you are interested in any of the above or related areas please get in touch!
Associate Professor & Director of the Centre for Distributed Ledger Technologies, University of Malta

Previous Affiliations:
Chairman of the Malta Digital Innovation Authority
Post-doctoral Researcher in the Department of Computing and The Hamlyn Centre, Imperial College London
Post-doctoral Researcher in the BlueZ Computing team at IBM Research Zurich

Co-investigator - WIDE: Web3 Identity Integration for DAOs and Education
Budget: EUR 117,000

Principal Investigator - VinoVeritas: An authority-to-consumer Wine Audit Solution
Budget: EUR 478,411

Co-investigator - Systematising Smart Contracts within Classical Contract Law Theory
Budget: EUR 60,000

Principal Investigator - SmartMaritime
Budget: EUR 20,000

Blockchain and DLT Scholarship Scheme
Budget: EUR 300,000

Co-investigator - NATIFLife
Budget: 225,225
Ph.D. University of Southampton (in the School of Electronics and Computer Science)
M.Sc. Pervasive Computing,
University of Kent (in the School of Computing)
B.Sc. I.T. (Hons.) University of Malta (in the Faculty of ICT)

PhD Students
Ben Biedermann
Co-Supervised with: Dr Stefano Moncada
Crypto / CBDCs / SSI

Daniel Busuttil
Blockchain and Aviation
Co-Supervised with: Dr Robert Camilleri
Blockchain / Aviation

Previous PhD Students
Adrian Mizzi
Macro-programming Techniques for the Internet of Things and Blockchain
Co-Supervisor: Prof Gordon Pace
Blockchain / IoT / Compilers / Languages / DSLs / Low-Level Programming

Masters Supervision
Cyrus Malik
Detecting Likely-Reputable Blockchain Projects
Co-Supervisor: Dr Josef Bajada
Blockchain / AI

Andrew Marshall
Blockchain and Digital Nomands
Main Supervisor: Dr Annette Fath Lihic
Policy / Blockchain

Martin Camilleri
Investigating different levels of de/centralisation for blockchain transaction compliance
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gordon Pace
Compliance / Blockchain / Smart Contracts

Muona Benown
Analysis of Funding for Maltese Technology Policy and Implementation
Main Supervisor: Dr Annette Fath Lihic
Policy / Technology

Damian Cassar
The Legal Ramifications of Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts: A Comparative Analysis of B2C2 Ltd v. Quoine Pte Ltd
Blockchain Law / Smart Contracts / Legal Contracts

Nichola Portelli
Blockchain Accounting and Auditing in iGaming
Blockchain / Accounting / Auditing

Yanika Muscat
Blockchain and Value Added Tax
Blockchain / Tax

Alex Zammit
ZKPs and Smart contracts
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gordon Pace
ZKP / Blockchain / Smart Contracts

Ryan Falzon
Unified Programming Models for Blockchain Decentralised Applications
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gordon Pace
Blockchain / Smart Contracts / Programming Languages

Karl Bezzina
Blockchain Performance Metrics
Co-Supervisor: Dr Conrad Attard
Blockchain / Performance

Dylan Vassallo
Federated Learning and Blockchain
Co-Supervisor: Dr Vince Vella
Blockchain / AI

Dan Chirtoaca
Non-Fungible Tokens, Design and Reusability Framework
Co-Supervisor: Prof. George Azzopardi
Blockchain / DLT / Smart Contract

Steven Farrugia
Ethereum Transaction Pattern Matching and Modelling
Co-Supervisor: Prof. George Azzopardi
Ethereum / Smart Contracts

Patrick Massa
Blockchain Technology in light of the General Data Protection Regulation
Main Supervisor: Dr Mireille Caruana
Blockchain / Law / GDPR

Fthi Abadi (University of Groningen Student)
Access Control Mechanisms for Blockchain and the Internet of Things
Co-Supervisor: Prof George Azzopardi (University of Groningen)
Blockchain / Smart Contracts / IoT

Brian Zammit
Memory Protection For Resource Constrained Devices
Co-Supervisor: Prof Gordon Pace
Compilers / Operating Systems / Low-Level Programming

Noella Galea
Brain Computer Intefaces for the Internet of Things
Co-Supervisor: Dr Owen Falzon

Rebecca Kai Cassar (now Software Engineer at CS Technologies International)
Peer-to-peer Web Caching
Co-Supervisor: Dr Kevin Vella
Distributed Systems / JavaScript

Yonas Leguesse (now Expert in Network & Information Security at European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA))
Anti-Evasion Code Patching for Android Malware Sandboxes
Main Supervisor: Dr Mark J Vella
Security / Android / Operating Systems / Virtual Machines / Bytecode

Undergrad Supervision
Cyrus Malik
Likely-Legal Cryptocurrency Transaction Detection
Co-Supervisor: Dr Josef Bajada
Cryptocurrency / Analytics

Ivan Abramov
Macroprogramming for Python-based Decentralised Applications
Blockchain / dApps

Michaela Galea
Philosophical Aspects of Blockchain
Main Supervisor: Dr Jean-Paul De Lucca
Blockchain / Philosophy

Michele Pagano
Facilitating Illict Product Detection using Blockchain
Blockchain / Supply Chain

Francesca Duca
Cryptocurrency Price Prediction
Co-Supervisor: Dr Vincent Vella
Cryptocurrency / Price Prediction

Anthony Zammit
Towards Seamless Multi-sig Wallet Management
Cryptocurrency / Blockchain / Multi-sig

Joseph Cefai
Towards Seamless IoT and Blockchain Development
IoT / Blockchain / Smart Contracts

Stefano Schembri
Cross-platform Smart Contract Development
Blockchain / Smart Contracts

Jacques Vella Critien
Cryptocurrency Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Co-Supervisor: Prof Albert Gatt
Cryptocurrency / Sentiment Analysis

Chris Frendo
IoT and Robotics Dynamic Task Scheduling
Co-Supervisor: Prof Saviour Zammit
IoT / Robotics / Scheduling

Sergiu Nimat
Smart Contract Entity Framework Abstraction Layer
Smart Contracts / Language Design

Quentin Falzon
Co-Supervisor: Prof Carl J Debono

Matthew Vella
On- and Off-Chain Codesign of Smart Contract dApp Systems
Co-Supervisor: Prof Gordon Pace
Blockchain / Smart Contracts

Gabriel Camilleri
Static Analysis of Smart Contracts using KeY
Main Supervisor: Prof Gordon Pace
Blockchain / Smart Contracts / Static Analysis

Matthew Barthet
Simulating Blockchain Systems
Blockchain / Python / Simulation

Brandon Abela
Investigating Optimising Compilation using AI
Main Supervisor: Dr Sandro Spina
Compilers / AI

Ella Lautier
JavaScript Operating System Simulation of Memory Management Techniques
Co-Supervisor: Dr Kevin Vella
Operating Systems / HTML5 / JavaScript / Web

Timothy Muscat
An Android Dalvik Bytecode Interpreter for 16-bit Architectures
Virtual Machines / Dalvik / Interpreters

Michael Calleja
JavaScript Operating System Simulation of Processes for Instructional Use
Co-Supervisor: Dr Kevin Vella
Operating Systems / HTML5 / JavaScript / Web

Giancarlo Laferla (now Application Developer at RS2 Software)
Extending Android's Binder as a basis for application monitoring
Main Supervisor: Dr Mark J Vella
Security / Android / Operating Systems / Virtual Machines / Bytecode

Rebecca Kai Cassar (now Software Engineer at CS Technologies International)
Abstracting Eventually Consistent Databases for Offline Web Application Usage
Co-Supervisor: Dr Joseph Vella
NoSQL Databases / JavaScript / HTML5 / PouchDB / CouchDB

Leon Degiorgio (now Software Engineer at CCBill)
Towards Offline Usage of JavaScript Web Applications
Co-Supervisor: Dr Kevin Vella
Web Programming / JavaScript / HTML5

Giulio Camilleri
An LLVM Bitcode Interpreter for 16-bit MSP430 Microcontrollers
Operating Systems / Virtual Machines / Compilers / Low-Level Programming / LLVM / MSP430

Isaac Chircop (now Software Developer at RS2 Software)
Enabling .NET Web Applications for Offline Usage
Web Programming / .NET

Gabriella Azzopardi (now Project Associate at CERN and PhD student in the Department of Communications and Computer Engineering)
Techniques for Facilitating Offline Cloud-Based Application Usage
NoSQL Databases / Web Programming / PHP

Aaron Axisa (now Software Architect at LottoStarlet)
A Java Remote Code Update Mechanism
Java / Bytecode / Software Management / Patching


Former Interns
Martin Blot
Blockchain / Simulation / JavaScript

Arnaud Dieziger
Smart Contract Voting

Cédric Defour

Amine Sertani

Saad Kahoui

Léa Narzis
Blockchain / Simulation / JavaScript
Student from: École des mines d'Alès

Louison Brault
Operating Systems / Simulation / JavaScript
Student from: ESEO Institute of Science and Technology

Joseph Laurent
Operating Systems / Simulation / JavaScript
Student from: École des mines d'Alès

Jerry Petilaire (now Consultant at Beijaflore)
Compilers / Memory Management / LLVM
Student from: École des mines d'Alès

Thibaud Duble (now Researcher at Nameshield Group)
Compilers / Embedded Systems / LLVM
Student from: ESEO Angers

Jamie Vella
Compilers / LLVM / WebAssembly
Student from: BSc Computing Science 2014 intake

Mehmet Furkan
IoT / Arduino
Student from: Ankara Üniversitesi
Reviewer - SN Computer Science
Technical Program Committee - 6th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2024)
Program Committee - 8th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - CBT 2024
Reviewer - IEEE Communications Magazine
Technical Program Committee - IEEE Global Blockchain Conference 2024
Program Committee - International Congress on Blockchain and Applications (BLOCKCHAIN'24)
Reviewer - Cluster Computing (Springer Link)
Reviewer - ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice
Reviewer - Elsevier Journal on Expert Systems With Applications
Program Committee - 7th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - CBT 2023
Reviewer - Springer Nature Computing Journal
Technical Program Committee - 5th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2023)
Editorial Board - Journal Metaverse Basic and Applied Research
Program Committee - International Congress on Blockchain and Applications (BLOCKCHAIN'23)
Reviewer - Finance Research Letters
Reviewer - IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
Editorial Board Member - Digital Technologies and Law Journal
Reviewer - International Journal of Financial Studies
Reviewer - Elsevier Jounral on Blockchain: Research and Applications
Reviewer - Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Program Committee - 6th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - CBT 2022
Reviewer - Springer Nature Discover Education
Reviewer - IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine
Reviewer - Springer Nature Discover Artificial Intelligence
Program Committee - IEEE DAPPS 2022
Technical Program Committee - 4th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2022)
Technical Program Committee - International Congress on Blockchain and Applications (BLOCKCHAIN'22)
Reviewer - Elsevier Information and Software Technology
Reviewer - Elsevier SoftwareX
Reviewer - Springer Nature Scientific Reports
Reviewer - International Conference on Runtime Verification
Program Committee - IEEE DAPPS 2021
Reviewer - IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Reviewer - IEEE Access
Technical Program Committee - 3rd International Congress on Blockchain and Applications (BLOCKCHAIN’21)
Reviewer - Journal of Industrial Information Integration
Reviewer - IEEE Sensors Journal
Program Committee - IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (IEEE DAPPS 2021)
Reviewer - Computer Communications Journal
Review Editor - Frontiers in Communications and Networks
Reviewer - Southeast Decision Sciences Institute 2021
Technical Program Committee - 3rd IFIP International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Steering Board - Workshop on Blockchain for IoT 5G/6G, IoT and CPS 2020
Program Committee - IEEE BigDataSE 2020
Program Committee - Deep-BDB 2020 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Big Data and Blockchain
Program Committee - BLOCKCHAIN'20 2nd International Congress on Blockchain and Applications
Steering Board - 2nd Workshop on Blockchain for IoT in Cyber Physical Systems
Reviewer - Elsevier Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Technical Programe Committee - 2nd Workshop on Blockchain Dependability (WBD) 2019
Reviewer - First International Workshop on Blockchain Meets Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
Program Committee - BLOCKCHAIN'2019 The 1st International Congress on Blockchain and Applications 2019
Technical Program Committee - the 2nd International Workshop on Blockchains and Smart Contracts
Program Committee - ACM 2019 Symposium on Applied Computing - dApp Track
Technical Program Committee - BlockSys 2018 ACM 1st International Workshop on Blockchain-enabled Networked Sensor Systems
Technical Program Committee - 1st International Workshop on Blockchain in IoT
Program Committee - 1st Workshop on Blockchain Dependability (WBD) 2018
Program Committee - IEEE 2018 1st International Workshop on Blockchain for the Internet of Things
Program Committee - IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP 2018)
Program Committee - IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
Technical Program Committee - SIFL 18 Symposium on Internet of Things, Fog Computing and Wireless Location Technologies
Program Committee - ICFNDS 2018 International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
Program Committee - ICT Innovations 2018
Program Committee - WoT 2017 International Workshop on the Web of Things
Program Committee - ICT Innovations 2017
Reviewer - ConTEL 2017 International Conference on Telecommunications
Technical Program Committee - DHN-AmI 2017 Special Session on Digital Home Networks & Ambient Intelligence
Technical Program Committee - SAI'17 Symposium on Advances in Applied Informatics
Program Committee - ICFNDS 2017 International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
Program Committee - ICACCI 2017 Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics
Program Committee - WoT 2016 International Workshop on the Web of Things
External Expert Evaluator - COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Reviewer - International SAI'16 Symposium on Advances in Applied Informatics
Embedded Systems Chair - SENSORCOMM 2016
Technical Program Committee - SENSORCOMM 2016
Technical Program Committee - ICIIOT 2015 International Conference on Industrial Internet of Things
Technical Program Committee - IEEE GC 2015 Workshop on Internet of Things for Ambient Assisted Living
Program Committee - ICACOMIT 2015
Program Committee - ETAI 2015
Reviewer - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
TPC Chair - WICT 2015
Embedded Systems Chair - SENSORCOMM 2015
Technical Program Committee - SENSORCOMM 2015
Reviewer - Mobile Networks and Applications Journal
Editor - CSAW: Computer Science Annual Workshop 2014, University of Malta
Program Committee - ELEMENT 2014
Chair - ICT Cost Action IC1303 Workgroup: Sensor Networks and Communication Infrastructure for AAL Services
Embedded Systems Chair - SENSORCOMM 2014
Technical Program Committee - SENSORCOMM 2014
Management Committee - Cost Action IC1303: Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments
Reviewer - CyberC 2013
Reviewer - BSN 2013
Embedded Systems Chair - SENSORCOMM 2013
Technical Program Committee - SENSORCOMM 2013
Reviewer - Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine
Embedded Systems Chair - SENSORCOMM 2012
Technical Program Committee - SENSORCOMM 2012
Reviewer - Body Sensor Networks 2012
Panel Member - Leveraging Mobile for Health and Fitness Applications and Services at Mobile World Congress 2012
Member - UKTI ICT Olympic Event Stakeholder Group
Editorial Board - International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services
Shadow Program Committee - EuroSys 2012
Embedded Systems Chair - SENSORCOMM 2011
Technical Program Commitee - SENSORCOMM 2011
Session Chair - SENSORCOMM 2011
Reviewer - SENSORCOMM 2011
Chair - 3rd International Workshop on Sensor Networks 2010
Reviewer - DCOSS 2010
Workshop Co-Chair - Sensor Networks Workshop MESA 2008
Reviewer - MESA 2008
Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence (AI): enhancing compliance with the EU AI Act through distributed ledger technology. A cybersecurity perspective
Simona Ramos and Joshua Ellul. In International Cybersecurity Law Review. January 2024.

Blockchain Civitas Dei and Civitas Terrena: Governance Experiments as a Problem of 'Frontier Epistemology' and 'Heuristic Appraisal'
Denisa Kera, Joshua Ellul and Diego Fernando Bernard Francia. In Global Philosophy. August 2023.

The MEV Saga: Can Regulation Illuminate the Dark Forest?
Simona Ramos and Joshua Ellul. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. CAiSE 2023. June 2023.

When is good enough good enough? On software assurances
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J. Pace, Ioannis Revolidis and Gerardo Schneider. In ERA Forum. January 2023.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Smart Contracts and Contracts: The need for Legal and Technology Assurances
Joshua Ellul and Gordon J. Pace. Pre-print. January 2023.

Active External Calls for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies: Debunking cited inability of Blockchain and DLT to make external calls
Joshua Ellul and Gordon J. Pace. Centre for DLT Technical Report, January 2023.

TinkercadNetConnector: Connecting emulated IoT devices to the outside world
Joshua Ellul and Carl J. Debono. In SoftwareX. October 2022.

Verifiable External Blockchain Calls: Towards Removing Oracle Input Intermediaries
Joshua Ellul and Gordon J. Pace. In 6th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - CBT 2022. September 2022.

AspectSol: A Solidity Aspect-Oriented Programming Tool with Applications in Runtime Verification
Shaun Azzopardi, Joshua Ellul, Ryan Falzon and Gordon J. Pace. In 22nd International Conference on Runtime Verification. September 2022.

Tainting in Smart Contracts: Combining Static and Runtime Verification
Shaun Azzopardi, Joshua Ellul, Ryan Falzon and Gordon J. Pace. In 22nd International Conference on Runtime Verification. September 2022.

Exploring Blockchains Cyber Security Techno-Regulatory Gap. An Application to Crypto-Asset Regulation in the EU
Simona Ramos, Lela Melon, and Joshua Ellul. In 10th Graduate Conference in Law and Technology, Sciences Po. June 2022.

Bitcoin price change and trend prediction through twitter sentiment and data volume
Jacques Vella Critien, Albert Gatt, and Joshua Ellul. In Springer Nature Journal of Financial Innovation. Volume 8. May 2022.

Regulating for the Future: EU Regulatory Sandbox Proposal
Tom Jansson Alireza Siadat, Axel von Goldbeck, Dimitrios Psarrakis, Donna Redel, Guido Schmitz-Krummacher, Ismael Arribas, Jan Klesla, Jean-Christophe Mathonet, Joshua Ellul, Lorena Stanescu, Merav Ozair, Nathan Vandy, Nina-Luisa Siedler, Synthia Bastron. INATBA Policy Notes. April 2022

Should we regulate Artificial Intelligence or some uses of software?
Joshua Ellul. In Springer Nature Discover Artificial Intelligence. Volume 2. March 2022.

Regulating for the Future: Policy Notes on Non-Fungible Tokens
Tom Jansson Alireza Siadat, Axel von Goldbeck, Dimitrios Psarrakis, Donna Redel, Guido Schmitz-Krummacher, Ismael Arribas, Jan Klesla, Jean-Christophe Mathonet, Joshua Ellul, Lorena Stanescu, Merav Ozair, Nathan Vandy, Nina-Luisa Siedler, Synthia Bastron. INATBA Policy Notes. March 2022

Regulating for the Future: Policy Notes on Decentralised Autonomous Organisations
Tom Jansson Alireza Siadat, Axel von Goldbeck, Dimitrios Psarrakis, Donna Redel, Guido Schmitz-Krummacher, Ismael Arribas, Jan Klesla, Jean-Christophe Mathonet, Joshua Ellul, Lorena Stanescu, Merav Ozair, Nathan Vandy, Nina-Luisa Siedler, Synthia Bastron. INATBA Policy Notes. March 2022

Regulating for the Future: Policy Notes on Decentralised Finance
Tom Jansson Alireza Siadat, Axel von Goldbeck, Dimitrios Psarrakis, Donna Redel, Guido Schmitz-Krummacher, Ismael Arribas, Jan Klesla, Jean-Christophe Mathonet, Joshua Ellul, Lorena Stanescu, Merav Ozair, Nathan Vandy, Nina-Luisa Siedler, Synthia Bastron. INATBA Policy Notes. March 2022

SoliNomic: A Self-modifying Smart Contract Game Exploring Reflexivity in Law
Joshua Ellul and Gordon J. Pace. In Disruptive Technologies in Media, Arts and Design. January 2022.

EtherClue: Digital investigation of attacks on Ethereum smart contracts
Simon J Aquilina, Fran Casino, Mark Vella, Joshua Ellul and Constantinos Patsakis. In Blockchain: Research and Applications, Volume 2, Issue 4. December 2021.

The Blockchain Oracle Problem in Decentralized Finance - A Multivocal Approach
Giulio Caldarelli and Joshua Ellul. In Applied Sciences 11(16). August 2021.

Two Sides to Every Story. The Truth, Post-truth, and the Blockchain Truth
Joshua Ellul, Alex Grech, Gordon J. Pace. Book Chapter in Media, Technology and Education in a Post-Truth Society. July 2021.

NFT - Legal Token Classification
Claudia Di Bernardino, Andrés, Chomczyk, Joshua Ellul, Agata Ferreira, Axel von Goldbeck, Robert Herian, Alireza Siadat and Nina-Luisa Siedler
Report by the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum, July 2021.

Optional Monitoring for Long-Lived Transactions
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J. Pace. In VORTEX 2021: International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution, July 2021.

Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A Technology Regulator's Perspective
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J. Pace, Stephen Mccarthy, Trevor Sammut, Juanita Brockdorff and Matthew Scerri.
In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law ICAIL 2021, June 2021.

Central Bank Digital Currencies and a Euro for the Future
George Giaglis, Lambis Dionysopoulos, Marianna Charalambous, Nikos Kostopoulos, Ioannis Vlachos, Tonia Damvakeraki, Zalan Noszek, Andrii Sovershennyi, Kyrylo Chykhradze, Iordanis Papoutsoglou, Konstantinos Votis, Alexi Anania, Alessandro Bonetti, Arnaud Le Hors, Erick de Moura, Ezechiel Copic, Ivona Skultetyova, Jai Ramaswamy, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Joshua Ellul, Luca Fantacci, Marina Niforos, Matthew Hammond, Manuel Machado Ruiz, Paolo Dini, Scott Stornetta, Stefan Loesch, Suzana Maranhão Moreno, Tadej Slapnik.
Report by the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum, June 2021.

Towards External Calls for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J. Pace. Technical Report, Centre for DLT, University of Malta, May 2021.

Runtime Monitoring Processes Across Blockchains
Shaun Azzopardi, Joshua Ellul, Gordon J. Pace. In the 9th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2021), May 2021.

Blockchain is Dead! Long Live Blockchain!
Joshua Ellul. In The Journal of The British Blockchain Association. March 2021.

Application of Gradient Boosting Algorithms for Anti-money Laundering in Cryptocurrencies
Dylan Vassallo, Vincent Vella, Joshua Ellul. In SN Computer Science. March 2021.

Trusted Academic Transcripts on the Blockchain: A Systematic Literature Review
Giulio Caldarelli and Joshua Ellul. In Applied Sciences 11(4). February 2021.

Blockchain, Decentralisation and the Public Interest: The need for a Decentralisation Conceptual Framework for dApps
Joshua Ellul. Institute for the Public Services IPS Journal. February 2021.

Mapping the Future of Legal Personality with New Technologies
Max Ganado, Joshua Ellul, Gordon Pace, Steve Tendon, Bryan Wilson. MIT Computational Law Report v1.3, November 2020.

Monitoring Indoor Living Spaces using Depth Information
Carl James Debono, Matthew Sacco and Joshua Ellul. In IEEE 10th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin). November 2020.
Invited Paper: Towards Configurable and Efficient Runtime Verification of Blockchain based Smart Contracts at the Virtual Machine Level
Joshua Ellul. In the Reliable Smart Contracts: State-of-the-art, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions of the 9th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, October 2020.

Invited Paper: Regulating Blockchain, DLT and Smart Contracts: A Technology Regulator's Perspective
Joshua Ellul, Max Ganado, Ian Gauci, Stephen McCarthy, Gordon J. Pace. In ERA Forum, June 2020.

Detection of illicit accounts over the Ethereum blockchain
Steven Farrugia, Joshua Ellul, George Azzopardi. In Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications.

A framework for creating deployable smart contracts for non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain
Dan Chirtoaca, Joshua Ellul, George Azzopardi. In 2nd IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS), April 2020.

Elderly fall detection systems: A literature survey
Xueyi Wang, Joshua Ellul, George Azzopardi. In Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Sensor Fusion and Machine Perception.

Guest editorial: special issue on pervasive sensing and machine learning for mental health
Benny Lo, Yuan Zhang, Omer T. Inan, Joshua Ellul. In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, November 2019.

Towards A Unified Programming Model for Blockchain Smart Contract dApp Systems
Joshua Ellul, Gordon Pace. In 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain Dependability, October 2019.

Invited Paper: Blockchain and the Common Good Reimagined
Joshua Ellul, Gordon Pace. The Common Good in the Digital Age, the Vatican City State, September 2019

An RGB-D based Framework for Ambient Assistive Living Applications
Carl James Debono, Matthew Sacco, Joshua Ellul. In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), July 2019.

Porthos: Macroprogramming Blockchain Systems
Adrian Mizzi, Joshua Ellul, Gordon Pace. In 2nd International Workshop on Blockchains and Smart Contracts (BSC), June 2019.

The Truth in the Myth of the Lawyer-Programmer Chimera
Joshua Ellul, Ian Gauci, Gordon J Pace. In DLT Malta: Thoughts from the Blockchain Island, ed. Patrick Young, ISBN 978-8362627028, May 2019.

Verification of Smart Contract Business Logic: Exploiting a Java Source Code Verifier
Wolfgang Ahrendt, Richard Bubel, Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace, Raul Pardo, Vincent Rebiscoul, Gerardo Schneider. the Proceedings of the 8th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, May 2019.

Contracts over Smart Contracts: Recovering from Violations Dynamically
Christian Colombo, Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In 8th International Symposium, ISoLA 2018, November 2018.

Monitoring Smart Contracts: ContractLarva and Open Challenges Beyond
Shaun Azzopardi, Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In The 18th International Conference on Runtime Verification, November 2018.

Runtime Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In International Workshop on Blockchain Dependability, in conjunction with 14th European Dependable Computing Conference, September 2018.

Entering the Age of the Blockchain of Things
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In THINK Magazine, Issue 24, June, 2018.

Macroprogramming the Blockchain of Things
Adrian Mizzi, Joshua Ellul, Gordon Pace. In IEEE 1st International Workshop on Blockchain for the Internet of Things, August, 2018.

The Blockchain of Things, Beyond Bitcoin: A Systematic Review
Fthi Abadi, Joshua Ellul, George Azzopardi. In IEEE 1st International Workshop on Blockchain for the Internet of Things, August, 2018.

Making Sensor Node Virtual Machines Work for Real-World Applications
Niels Reijers, Joshua Ellul, Chi-Sheng Shih. In IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, May 18th, 2018.

Blockchain Research at the University of Malta
Jean Paul Ebejer, Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In the Independent, May 10th, 2018.

What on Earth is Blockchain?
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In the Sunday Times of Malta, April 8th, 2018.

AlkylVM: A Virtual Machine for Smart Contract Blockchain Connected Internet of Things
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In 1st International Workshop on Blockchains and Smart Contracts (BSC) 2018.

D'Artagnan: An Embedded DSL Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems
Adrian Mizzi, Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. In 3rd International Workshop on Real World Domain Specific Languages 2018.

Contracts over Smart Contracts
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. CSAW 2017.

Blockchain and the Internet of Things: A Match Made in the Cloud
Joshua Ellul, Gordon J Pace. CSAW 2017.

AndroNeo: Hardening Android Malware Sandboxes by Predicting Evasion Heuristics
Yonas Leguesse, Mark J Vella, Joshua Ellul. In the 11th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice 2017.

An Embedded DSL Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems: Doctoral Symposium
Adrian Mizzi, Joshua Ellul, Gordon Pace. In ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems 2017.

Poster: Towards WebAssembly for Wireless Sensor Networks
Joshua Ellul. In ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks 2017.

A Conflict Resolution Abstraction Layer for Eventually Consistent Databases
Rebecca Kai Cassar, Joseph Vella, Joshua Ellul. In IEEE International Conference on Engineering and MIS 2016.

Towards WebAssembly for Resource Constrained Systems
Joshua Ellul. CSAW 2016.

Bridging the IoT Resource Constrained Gap
Joshua Ellul. CSAW 2015.

BSN Software and Development Tools.
Joshua Ellul, Benny Lo, Guang-Zhong Yang. Book Chapter in Body Sensor Networks. 2nd Edition. 2014.

Run-time Compilation Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Joshua Ellul. PhD Thesis. University of Southampton 2012.

The BSNOS Platform: A Body Sensor Networks Targeted Operating System and Toolset
Joshua Ellul, Benny Lo, Guang-Zhong Yang. In the 5th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications 2011.

Run-time Compilation of Bytecode in Sensor Networks.
Joshua Ellul, Kirk Martinez. In the 4th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications 2010.

Demo Abstract: Run-time Compilation of Bytecode in Wireless Sensor Networks
Joshua Ellul, Kirk Martinez. In the ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks 2010.

Field Deployment of Low Power High Performance Nodes.
Kirk Martinez, Philip Basford, Joshua Ellul, Richard S. Clarke. In the IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Sensor Networks 2010.

A Few Bytes are Worth a Thousand Words: Run-Time Compilation of High Level Scripts in Sensor Networks
Joshua Ellul, Kirk Martinez. In the IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Sensor Networks 2010.

A Dynamic Size Distributed Program Image Cache for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Joshua Ellul, Kirk Martinez, David De Roure. In the IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Workshops 2009.

Gumsense: A High Power Low Power Sensor Node.
Kirk Martinez, Philip Basford, Joshua Ellul, Robert Spanton. In the 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks 2009.

DPICache: A Distributed Program Image Cache for Wireless Sensor Networks.
Joshua Ellul, Kirk Martinez. In the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications 2008.
Upcoming Talks/Invited Lectures/Events:
25th June 2024: Panelist on reactions to Fintech Innovations & their Global Impact

Past Talks/Invited Lectures/Events:
17th June 2024: Panelist on Real-World Applications for Blockchain Technology
organised by the Malta Business Network

13th June 2024: Workshop for the Chiliz CX Department

31st May 2024: Panelist on AI Regulation and the Legal Profession
with Prof. Alex Grech, Dr Claudia Borg, Dr Dylan Seychell and moderated by Dr Gege Gatt
31st May 2024: Innovation in 2024 and the need for technology assurances

30th May 2024: Demystifying AI, and the Future Web?
in Lex & Forum: The legal frontiers of artificial intelligence

16th May 2024: Blockchain for Gaming: Cybersecurity risks and opportunities
in's tech track

11th April 2024: Technological aspects underlying crypto-assets
in the Markets in CryptoAssets: Cracking the Nut conference organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA)

28th February 2024: Technological aspects underlying Fintech in payment services
in the FinTech in Payment Services conference organised by the Academy of European Law (ERA)

3rd February 2024: Emerging Technologies and Financial Services
at the Legal Netlink Alliance Winter Meeting 2024

8th January 2024: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and DLT
as part of an MSc course in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

8th January 2024: the Internet of Things
as part of an MSc course in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

15th November 2023: Panelist on Open source issues: should AI be regulated?
within AIBC 2023
14th November 2023: Panelist on Web2 vs Web3: Is there a need for a full transition?
within AIBC 2023

13th November 2023: The need for Techno-Regulatory Tools for Software Regulation: from Blockchain, to AI and Beyond
within the International Applied Social Sciences Congress VII 2023

6th October 2023: Blockchain and converging technologies
as part of European Blockchain Week

23rd June 2023: From chaos to clarity
in KPMG's From Chaos to Clarity: Breaking Down Silos in the Digital Era event

22nd June 2023: Panel on How Safe is your Bet?
in iGaming NEXT's TechNEXT event, Valleta, Malta

16 June 2023: Keynote on Code vs Law, Blockchain vs Regulation: When opposites attract
at the We Make Future conference in Rimini, Sicily

15th June 2023: Panel on Web3, Digital Identity and Society
at the We Make Future conference in Rimini, Sicily

7th June 2023: Panel on DApp Governance
at the European University Institute's' conference on Blockchain Governance, Florence, Italy

26th May 2023: Technological aspects underlying DORA/MiCAR and their legal dimension
within the Academy of European Law's conference on Digital Finance: MiCAR and DORA

11th May 2023: Panel on Blockchain, Crypto, NFTs and Metaverse within the MIA Young Members 2023 event

4th May 2023: Panel on AI and Education oragnised by The Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning

3rd May 2023: Panel on AI and Education oragnised by The Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning

27th April 2023: Webinar on Why Bitcoin?

26th April 2023: Panel on Impact of the AI Act on ChatGPT and other AI tools
organised by the Malta Digital Innovation Authority with the Times of Malta

14th April 2023: Keynote on A Small state's Emerging Technology LandBeach-scape: A Maltese Techno-regulatory overview
within the Small States meet Blockchain@HTW Conference

6th April 2023: Webinar on Crypto Crashes, Scams, Fraud & Hacks

30th March 2023: Keynote on Regulation of and through Technology
within the Institute of Law and International Journal of Law in a Changing World conference

22nd March 2023: Introduction to Blockchain, DLT and Smart Contracts
at the Malta Financial Services Authority

15th March 2023: Panel on Blockchain Interoperability and Oracles
at the AIBC Summit in Dubai

14th March 2023: Panel on Digital and Self-Sovereign Identities from Centralised to Decentralised Solutions
at the AIBC Summit in Dubai

9th March 2023: Webinar on Bitcoin NFTs, Punks, Ordinals, Inscriptions and Beyond!

22nd February 2023: Panelist on the importance of soft-skills within the SKILL project - Soft sKills dIgitaL Learning for the ICT workforce
at Business Labs

14th February 2023: Introduction to Blockchain, DLT and Web 3.0
for the European Commission

15th February 2023: AI in the Workplace and the need for AI Regulation
within the Ripple Effect of AI event organised by the Malta Chamber and the Malta Business Bureau

14th December 2022: Towards Web 3.0 EU Public Services
as part of the DG Connect University worshop

26th November 2022: the Internet of Things
as part of the MSc in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

25th November 2022: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and DLT
as part of the MSc in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

23rd November 2022: Unstoppable DAOs
within a NextBlock side-event HackOnChain

16th November 2022: Panelist Member on Ignoring Cryptocurrencies is no longer an option
within AIBC Europe 2022

16th November 2022: Panelist Member on Blockchain Education and Careers
within AIBC Europe 2022

16th November 2022: Upskilling and Reskilling in the Digital Automation Era
within Reskilling In The Era Of AI

11th November 2022: Blockchain as the Truth Machine

20th October 2022: Panel on Latest developments of the EU Blockchain ecosystem
with Marie Markosian, Marc Taverner and Lambis Dionysopoulos
within the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum 2nd Large Event

6th October 2022: Keynote on Emerging Technologies in Aviation
within the Malta Aviation Conference and Expo

23rd September 2022: Panelist on Into the Metaverse
as part of iGaming NEXT Valletta 22

10th August 2022: Panelist on Global Experience in Regulatory Sandboxes: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives
as part of RJAW International Webinar in Rio Arbitration Week

8th July 2022: Panelist in EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum's conference on Blockchain: a key enabler to innovation in Europe and the world

29th June 2022: The Rule of Law and Blockchain
in UNBLOCK: The Potential of Blockchain for Social Innovation

23rd June 2022: Panelist on NFTs and Use-cases in the Creative Industry
as part of The Creative Side of the Digital Economy organised by

23rd June 2022: A collaborative Innovative Technology Regulatory Framework
as part of AI and ICT CETA talks

20th June 2022: Panelist on Integration of AI at the Workplace
at the Future Skills & AI in Europe - TransFormWork Second European Round Table.

17th June 2022: The Metaverse and the need for Multidisciplinary Blockchain Education
at the A Multidisciplinary Metaverse Future: From Education, Research and Innovation to Regulation.

7th June 2022: Decentralisation vs Centralisation: How far should we go?
at the Digital Nomad Meetup.

25th May 2022: Panelist within the Future of Finance day
as part of EmTech Investment Hub's conference in Davos 2022.

13th May 2022: Keynote on Techno-regulatory frameworks for Blockchain and other emerging technologies
as part of Warwick Legal Network's academic day conference.

28th April 2022: Panel on NFTs & Metaverses vs Law
with Prof. Francesco Di Ciommo, Prof. Andrea Stazi, Luigi Telesca; and chaired by Prof. Gustavo Olivieri, organised by Fabiana Di Porto at LUISS Data Lab

31st March 2022: Lessons so far from Technology Assurance Sandboxes
within OpenLoop and Demos Helsinki's 2nd event on Where Experimentation meets Emerging Tech

30th March 2022: Regulating Emerging Technologies: Starting with Blockchain and AI
at the IIoT & Smart Manufacturing Virtual Conference organised by the International Society of Automation

16th March 2022: Introductory Panel on Blockchain and the Metaverse
as part of the Campus Tech Summit at the University of Malta

11th March 2022: Panel Member on INATBA's workshop on Can DeFi & DAOs continue to scale ‘outside’ of regulatory perimeters?

10th March 2022: Smart Contracts: Where technology and law collide as part of the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum
's workshop on Smart Contracts

9th March 2022: AI R&I and Regulation. The context of global security and economic crises: The case of Malta.
as part of the Digital International Forum's Innovation & Research in AI event organised by Smart Everywhere Everything

27th January 2022: DLT in the Creative Industry
Organised by Malta Enterprise

28th January 2022: Blockchain in Education
Organised by The Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning (3CL)

21st January 2022: Cryptocurrencies: Debunking the Myths
Organised by The Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning (3CL)

9th December 2021: Emerging challenges in the blockchain ecosystem - Experts roundtable
as part of the B-hub for Europe: connecting blockchain innovation ecosystems

30th November 2021: The Internet of Things
as part of the MSc in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

23rd November 2021: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and DLT
as part of the MSc in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

17th November 2021: Keynote: De/centralisation, Un/certainty and De/regulation
in the AI Blockchain Summit

16th November 2021: Panel: The Great Awakening: Let's Start the First Digital Nation State - Roundtable Discussion
in the Affiliate Grand Slam Conference with Dr Max Ganado, Daniel Goebel and Timur Artemev

5th November 2021: AgriTech: Automating Agriculture - Some Challenges and Solutions
Chamber of Engineers workshop on Engineering a Smarter Industry

29th September 2021: Blockchain, Cows and the Metaverse

22nd September 2021: Speaker in SuperB Bitcoin Summit

21st September 2021: Moderator of Plenary Session
of the 2nd Day of EU Blockchain Summit: Blockchain & AI for European Green Deal

20th September 2021: Lightning Talk: Emerging Technologies in Education
in DEL4ALL – Emerging Technologies and best practices. Community consultation for re-shaping the Future European Research Agenda

3rd September 2021: The Tokenization of Everything
in Blockchain@HTW Conference at HTW Berlin

2nd September 2021: The Tokenization of Everything Art

5th August 2021: Panel: The State of Regulation: Who is Ahead and Why?
as part of DeFi Conference 2021

22nd July 2021: Workshop on Demystifying Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
organised by the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum

14th July 2021: Panel on the Role of Explainability and the Future of Automated Compliance
within CPDP LatAm 2021

21st April 2021: Regulating Blockchain and AI
Organised by the eSkills Foundation

16th April 2021: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and NFTs
Organised by the Institute for Digital Games

8th April 2021: Smart Contracts: A Micro-credentials Use-case
Organised by the Commonwealth of Learning, and the Commonwealth Centre of Connected Learning

8th April 2021: Governing AI Innovation Ecosystems – The case for regulating the AI sector
as part of 1st Asef Higher Education Innovsation Lan (asefinnolab1)

2nd March 2021: Workshop on the EU Blockchain Ecosystem developments
organised by the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

14th January 2021: Blockchain and Smart Contracts: Immutable Security Concerns
in ISACA Malta

19th December 2020: The need for Multidisciplinarity in Blockchain and Crypto
in Colombo Blockchain Summit 2020

10th December 2020: Blockchain, Mass Transit and Technology Assurances
in Blockchain in Mass Transit

28th November 2020: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, DLT and the need for Multidisciplinarity
at St. Albert's College (Autonomous), Kerala, India

25th November 2020: Panel on Moulding the Future Digital Economy
organised as part of AIBC Europe

24th November 2020: The Internet of Things
as part of the MSc in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

18th November 2020: Panel on Computer Ethics and Rights
as part of Science in the City

17th November 2020: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and DLT
as part of the MSc in Information Systems at the University of Groningen

12th November 2020: Panel on Academia, Industry & Entrepreneurship... where do we stand?
as part of Startup Cafe organised by Malta Enterprise

28th October 2020: Towards Configurable and Efficient Runtime Verification of Blockchain based Smart Contracts at the Virtual Machine Level
in Reliable Smart Contracts: State-of-the-art, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions track in the International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation

30th July 2020: Dialogues on Digital Identity
organised by The European Law Observatory on New Technologies-ELONTech and the IoT Council

30th June 2020: Blockchain: Demystifying the application, deliberating its uses
organised by Commonwealth Centre for Connected Learning and Commonwealth of Learning

2nd June 2020: Kyte virtual conference on Compliance and Infosecurity: Governance Through Self-Assessment And Control Talk: Blockchain, Crypto, Fintech and the need for Multidisciplinary Education
organised by Kyte

2nd May 2020: Introduction to Smart Contracts, Ethereum and Solidity
at the Media Arts and Design Blockchain Conference 2020 organised by Drexel University and MIT

29th April 2020: Technology Assurances and The MDIA
at the The Digital Lunch organised by Chiliz Blockchain Campus

26th March 2020: Introduction to Blockchain, Smart Contracts, DLT and Cryptocurrencies
at the FinTech, RegTech and Cryptoassets Conference organised by ERA, Trier

29th February 2020: VISIGRAPP Industrial Panel,
in the 2020 VISIGRAPP conference

10th February 2020: Blockchain, DLT, Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrencies and Assurances
at in the Virtual Assets: Cryptocurrencies, Coins and Tokens seminars organised by Academy of European Law

20th November 2019: Thoughts on De/centralization of Blockchain Systems
at the University of Groningen

7th November 2019: Blockchain Education: The Chimera on the Bridge of Partial Knowledge
at the Malta AI and Blockchain Summit

7th November 2019: Blockchain: Exploring the Learning Curve
at the Malta AI and Blockchain Summit

26th-28th September 2019: Blockchain and the Common Good Reimagined
at The Common Good in the Digital Age Conference at The Vatican, The Holy See

3rd-4th October 2019: Right on the Mark - E-skills, Education and Learning Panel
with Dr Natalie Smolenski, Carm Cachia and Prof. Carl James Debono
at Delta Summit 2019

3rd-4th October 2019: Do we need to Educate the Layman wrt Blockchain?
with Prof. Gordon Pace and Dr Jonathan Galea
at Delta Summit 2019

9th September 2019: Demystifying the buzzwords: Blockchain and Smart Contracts
at Malta Financial Services Authority

21st August 2019: Smart Contract Challenges and Assurances
at the University of Groningen

30th July 2019: Technology Assurances and Sandboxes
at the Pillar 1 – Regulatory Sandbox and Other Strategic Objectives: Briefing and Consultation
Organised by FinanceMalta and Malta Financial Services Authority

27th May 2019: ERA: Distributed Ledger Technologies, Cryptoassets and Security Tokens: Regulatory Trends
at Europäische Rechtsakademie (ERA)

23rd May 2019: Blockchain, DLT and Innovative Technology Assurances
at the Malta AI and Blockchain Summit

2nd May 2019: Public Debate on the Regulatory Trends Concerning Blockchain with Jacqui Hatfield and Jack Thornborough moderated by Eric Van der Kleij
Organised by the London Blockchain Foundation, Finance Malta and Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe, London.

26th April 2019: Blockchain, DLT and Technology Assurances
at the Global Blockchain Expo, London

28th March 2019: An Introduction to the Malta Digital Innovation Authority
at Unlocking Blockchain | The Students' Summit at the University of Malta

28th March 2019: Blockchain, DLT, Security and Assurance Issues
at the Interpreting Blockchain workshop at AIM Professional Academy

27th March 2019: Student Opportunities in Blockchain and DLT
at Unlocking Blockchain | The Students' Summit at the University of Malta

21st March 2019: An Introduction to Blockchain, DLT and Smart Contracts
at Blockchain Med Workshop in Palermo, Italy

11th March 2019: An Introduction to Blockchain, DLT and Smart Contracts
at Malta Financial Services Authority

8th March 2019: Emobility and Emerging Technology Panel at the Emobility Conference
at Intercontinental, St Julians

25th February 2019: Coordination among authorities at the IFSP Annual Conference
at Xara Lodge

19th February 2019: Demystifying Blockchain and Smart Contracts
at the University of Malta

13th February 2019: KSU Blockchain Info Session
at Business Labs

29th January 2019: Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Public Policy
at the Boris Mints Institute, Tel Aviv University

14th December 2018: Introduction to the Internet of Things
at the University of Groningen

13th December 2018: Introduction to Blockchain and Smart Contracts
at the University of Groningen

11th December 2018: Blockchain Education and Regulation: A Maltese Perspective
at Unleashing Innovation Blockchain

2nd November 2018: The Blockchain of Things
at Malta Blockchain Summit with Peter Busch

1st-2nd November 2018: Malta Blockchain Hackathon
with John McAfee, Mihai Cimpoesu, Dean Demellweek, Massimiliano Picone, Jimmy Zhong, Mikhail Savchenko, Dr Gege Gatt, Benjamin J Boyle and Jeany Stein

23rd October 2018: Accountancy CPE Seminars - Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technologies and Regulation
at University Residence

19th October 2018: 2nd Annual Malta Workshop: Advancing the Residency & Citizenship by Investment Dialogue

12th October 2018: Blockchain Panel
at Malta Innovation Summit

5th October 2018: Blockchain, Identity, Self-Sovereignty & Education
at Delta Summit with Dr Larry Sanger (Wikipedia co-founder), Dr Natalie Smolenski, Dr Joshua Broggi and Dr Alex Grech

28th August 2018: Introduction to the Virtual Financial Assets Act: What is blockchain/ DLT/ Crypto? How do exchanges work?
at Xara Lodge with Patrick Young

19th July 2018: The Blockchain of Things: Research Challenges and Opportunities
at the University of Groningen

11th June 2018: A Non-Technical Introduction to Blockchain and Smart-Contracts
at BUSINESSLABS with Prof. Gordon Pace

20th April 2018: All aboard the Blockchain: Blockchain Research and Education across the Board
at FinanceMalta with Prof Gordon Pace

17th April 2018: Game Lecture Series: Playing around with Blockchain
at the Institute of Digital Games with Prof Gordon Pace

27th March 2018: Blockchain: The Origins and its Applications
at the Malta Institute of Accountants; with Dr Wayne Pisani and Prof Gordon Pace

4th December 2017: Blockchain and the Internet of Things
at the University of Groningen

Academic Units/Lectures:
Check vle for class announcements and notes.
Introduction to Blockchain, DLTs and Cryptocurrencies (DLT5003)
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (ICT3009)
Introduction to DLT Architecture and Decentralised Applications (DLT5141)
Smart Contract and dApp Programming (DLT5401)
Internet of Things (ICT5101)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Applied Project (DLT5001)
Research Methods (DLT5002)
Digital Health Systems (CIS5225)

Introduction to Blockchain, DLTs and Cryptocurrencies (DLT5003)
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (ICT3009)
Smart Contract and dApp Programming (DLT5401)
DLT Implementation and Internals (DLT5400)
DLTs and the Internet of Things (DLT5403)
Internet of Things (ICT5101)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Applied Project (DLT5001)
Research Methods (DLT5002)
Digital Health Systems (CIS5225)

Introduction to Blockchain, DLTs and Cryptocurrencies (DLT5003)
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (ICT3009)
Smart Contract and dApp Programming (DLT5401)
DLT Implementation and Internals (DLT5400)
Internet of Things (ICT5101)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Applied Project (DLT5001)
Research Methods (DLT5002)
Cryptocurrencies, Distributed Ledger Technologies and the Law (ECL5074)
Applied Emerging Technologies in Risk Management (INS3082)
Digital Health Systems (CIS5225)

Introduction to Blockchain, DLTs and Cryptocurrencies (DLT5003)
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (ICT3009)
Smart Contract and dApp Programming (DLT5401)
DLT Implementation and Internals (DLT5400)
DLTs and the Internet of Things (DLT5403)
Internet of Things (ICT5101)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Applied Project (DLT5001)
Research Methods (DLT5002)
Cryptocurrencies, Distributed Ledger Technologies and the Law (ECL5074)

Introduction to Blockchain, DLTs and Cryptocurrencies (DLT5000)
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (ICT3009)
Smart Contract and dApp Programming (DLT5401)
DLT Implementation and Internals (DLT5400)
DLTs and the Internet of Things (DLT5403)
Internet of Things (ICT5101)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Research Topics in System Software (CPS5127)
Applied Project (DLT5001)
Research Methods (DLT5002)
Cryptocurrencies, Distributed Ledger Technologies and the Law (ECL5074)

Blockchain and Smart Contracts (ICT3009)
Blockchain and Smart Contract Programming (LAS3019)
The Blockchain World: An Introduction (LAS1062)
Internet of Things (ICT5101)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Research Topics in System Software (CPS5127)

Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Operating Systems and Systems Programming 2 (CPS2008)
Low Level Programming for Operating Systems (CPS3234)
Advanced Systems Programming (CPS5125)
Research Topics in System Software (CPS5127)

Operating Systems and Systems Programming 1 (CPS1012)
Low Level Programming for Operating Systems (CPS3234)
Advanced Systems Programming (CPS5125)
Research Topics in System Software (CPS5127)

Operating Systems (CPS1004, CSA2822)
Low Level Programming for Operating Systems (CPS3226)
Advanced Systems Programming (CPS5114)

Operating Systems (CPS1004, CSA2190, CSA2822)
Advanced Operating Systems (CPS3226)

Operating Systems (CPS1004, CSA2190, CSA2822)