Prof. Reuben A. Farrugia is an Associate Professor at the University of Malta and has been working in the fields of image processing and computer vision since 2004, He holds a PhD degree from the University of Malta in image/video compression. He has been involved in technical and organizational committees of several national and international conferences. In particular, he served as a General Chair on the IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) in 2014 and as Technical Programme Co-Chair on the IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) the same year. He has also been contributing as a reviewer of several journals and conferences including IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is currently area editor of the Elsevier Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communications. In September 2013 he was appointed as National Contact Point on the European Association of Biometrics (EAB) and elevated to IEEE Senior Membership in September 2017. He has also been involved in three COST Actions (IC1106, IC1206 and IC1003). During the academic year 2015/16 he spent a one-year sabbatical at INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique (France) working on face super-resolution and light field image processing. Prof. Farrugia has secured funding and managed several research projects including the restoration of facial images from CCTV quality videos (Deep-FIR), the development of a low-cost light-field camera system (VoLARe), the estimation of evapotranspiration in agricultural fields from remote sensing (WARM-EO) and the automated generation of facial images from text descriptions (Face:LIFT).
His research interests are:
- Image restoration (Super-resolution, Inpainting, Denoising)
- Biometrics and Digital Forensics (Face, Iris recognition and super-resolution and recognition)
- Earth Observation
- Image and Video Compression
He is highly interested in pursuing further research cooperation with the industry and research institutions on a National and International level. His curriculum vitae can be downloaded from here (last updated 27/8/2018).

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