circa 1960 Mechanics
To measure
small lengths with precision a useful instrument is the micrometer screw
The screw is
accurately machined to have a definite pitch e.g. one turn per
This means that one complete turn of the thimble around the screw
will advance the blunt edge by 1 mm.
When this edge reaches the anvil or fixed part, the instrument is
marked at zero on the longitudinal scale and zero on the thimble.
The thimble is marked in say, one hundred equal divisions so that
the micrometer can be read to one hundredth of a millimetre.
The total reading of length is the number of whole turns plus the
number of subdivisions on the thimble.
A friction
device is usually incorporated on the screw so that a constant pressure
can be applied on the object being measured.
This avoids errors of measurement.