University of Malta

Noel Aquilina
UOM Main Page

30. Camilleri R., Vella A.J., Harrison R.M., Aquilina N.J. (2022). "Source apportionment of indoor PM2.5 at a residential urban background site in Malta". Atmospheric Environment. 278: 119093 [link]

29Aquilina N.J., Havel C.M., Jacob III P., Benowitz N.L. (2022). “A study of tobacco-specific and combustion pollutants in settled house dust. Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment, 1:7 [link].

28.  Aquilina N.J., Jacob III P., Benowitz N.L., Fsadni P., Montefort S.  (2022). “Secondhand smoke exposure in school children in Malta assessed through urinary biomarkers". Environmental Research. 204: 112405 [link]

27. Aquilina N.J., Havel C.M., Harrison R.M., Ho K-F., Benowitz N.L., Jacob III P.  (2022). “Determination of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) arising from tobacco smoke in airborne particulate matter".  Environment International. 158: 106992 [link]

26. Aquilina N.J. & Camilleri Fenech S. (2022) "Impact of daily household activities on indoor PM2.5 and Black Carbon concentrations in Malta. Building and Environment. [link]

25. Rafiee A., Delgado-Saborit J.M., Aquilina N.J., Amiri H., Hoseini M. (2021) "Assessing oxidative stress resulting from environmental exposure to metals (oids) in a Middle Eastern population. Environ Geochem Health. [link]

24. Ciarlo` J.M., Aquilina N.J., Strada S., Shalaby A., Solmon F. (2021) "A Modified Gas-Phase Scheme for Advanced Regional Climate Modelling with RegCM4". Climate Dynamics. [link]

23. Aquilina N.J., Havel C.M., Cheung P., Ho K-F., Harrison R.M., Benowitz N.L., Jacob III P.  (2021). “Ubiquitous Atmospheric Contamination by Tobacco Smoke: Nicotine and a New Marker for Tobacco Smoke-Derived Particulate Matter, Nicotelline”.  Environment International, 150:106417 [link]

22. Fenech S., Aquilina N.J., Vella R. (2021). "COVID-19-Related Changes in NO2 and O3 Concentrations and Associated Health Effects in Malta" Front. Sustain. Cities 3:631280. [link]

21. Chen X-C., Cao J.-J., Ward T.J., Tian L.-W., Ning Z., Kumar Gali N., Aquilina N.J., Hung-Lam Yim S., Qu L., Ho K.-F. (2020). "Characteristics and toxicological effects of commuter exposure to black carbon and metal components of fine particles (PM2.5) in Hong Kong".  Science of the Total Environment, 742: 140501-140512. [link] 

20. Fenech S. & Aquilina N.J. (2020). "Estimation of the NO2 population exposure in the Northern Harbour district of Malta" Atmospheric Environment 244117918-117928. [link]

19. Caruana J., Vella R., Spiteri D., Nolle M., Fenech S., Aquilina N.J. (2020). "A photometric mapping of the night sky brightness of the Maltese islands". Journal of Environmental Management, 261: 110196.

18. Fenech S. & Aquilina N.J. (2020). "Trends in ambient ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter concentrations over the Maltese Islands and the corresponding health impacts" Science of the Total Environment700: 134527-134541. [link]

17. Aquilina N.J. & Fenech S. (2019). "The Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Indoor and Outdoor Radon Concentrations: A Preliminary Case StudyJournal of Environmental Pollution and Control2:(1): 1-8. [pdf]

16. Aquilina N.J., Delgado Saborit J.M., Bugelli S., Padovani Ginies J., Harrison R.M. (2018). “Comparison of machine learning approaches with a general linear model to predict personal exposure to benzene”. Environ. Sci. & Technol., 52(19): 11215-11222.  [link]

15. Jacob III P., Benowitz N.L., Destaillats H., Gundel L., Hang B., Martins-Green M., Matt G.E., Quintana P.J.E., Samet J.M., Schick S.F., Talbot P., Aquilina N.J., Hovell M.F., Mao J.-M., Whitehead T.P. (2016)."Thirdhand Smoke: New Evidence, Challenges, and Future Directions". Chemical Research in Toxicology 30(1): 270-294. [pdf]

14. Ciarlo` J.M. & Aquilina N.J. (2016)."An Analysis of Teleconnections in the Mediterranean region using RegCM4". Int. J. Climatol. 36: 797–808. [pdf]

13. Fsadni P., Bezzina F., Fsadni C., Aquilina N., Montefort S. (2015). "The Impact of School Environment on Children’s Respiratory Health". Integr Med Int 2: 129–138. [pdf]

12. Delgado Saborit J.M., Aquilina N.J., Meddings C., Baker S., Harrison R.M. (2011). “Relationship of Personal Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds to Home, Work and Fixed Site Outdoor Concentrations”. Science of the Total Environment, 409: 478-488. [pdf]

11. Aquilina N.J., Delgado Saborit J.M., Gauci, A., Baker S., Meddings C., Harrison R.M. (2010). “Comparing modelling approaches of personal exposure to particle-associated PAH”. Environ. Sci. & Technol.  44: 9370-9376. [pdf] 

10. Aquilina N.J., Delgado Saborit J.M., Baker S., Meddings C., Harrison R.M, Jacob III P., Wilson M., Yu L., Duan M, Benowitz N.L. (2010). “Environmental and biological monitoring of exposures to PAHs and ETS in the general population”.  Environment International, 36: 763-771.  [pdf]

9. Solazzo E., Di Sabatino S., Aquilina N., Dudek A.V., Britter R. (2010). “Coupling Mesoscale Modelling with a simple Urban Model. The Lisbon Case Study”.  Boundary Layer Meteorology, 137(3): 441-457.  [pdf]

8. Delgado Saborit J.M., Aquilina N., Meddings C., Baker S., Harrison R.M. (2010). “Determination of atmospheric particle-phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Low Volume Air Samples”.  Analytical Methods, 2: 231-242.  [pdf]

7. Delgado Saborit J.M., Aquilina N.J., Meddings C., Baker S., Harrison R.M. (2009). “Model development and validation of personal exposure to volatile organic compounds”. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(10): 1571-1579.  [pdf]

6. Delgado Saborit J.M., Aquilina N.J., Meddings C., Baker S., Vardoulakis S., Harrison R.M. (2009). “Measurement of personal exposure to volatile organic compounds and particle associated PAH in three UK regions”.  Environ. Sci. & Technol. 43: 4582–4588.  [pdf

5. Harrison R.M., Delgado Saborit J.M., Baker S., Aquilina N., Meddings C., Harrad S., Matthews I., Vardoulakis S., Anderson R. (2008). “Measurement and Modelling of Exposure to Air Toxic Concentrations for Health Effect Studies and Verification by Biomarker (MATCH Study)”. Health Effects Institute (HEI) Project Report No. 143.  [pdf]

4. Oxidizis S., Dudek A.V., Aquilina N. (2007).  “Typical Weather Years and the Effect of Urban Microclimate on the Energy Behaviour of Buildings and HVAC Systems.”  Advances in Building Research, Volume 1, Ed. M. Santamouris, Pub. Earthscan, London.

3. Moussiopoulos N., Douros I., Tsegas G., Fragkou E., Carvalho A., Aquilina N., Borrego C., (2006). “Application of the MEMO and MM5 mesoscale models in the context of urban energy budget studies for the greater Athens area”. Proceedings of the International Conference Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Eds. Gidarakos E. et. al., CHANIA, Greece, 3-7 July, 133-134, CD-ROM edition.

2. Aquilina N. & Micallef A. (2004).  “Evaluation Of The Operational Street Pollution Model Using Data From European Cities”.  Environ. Monit. Assess.  95:(1-3), 75-96.  [pdf]

1. Aquilina N. & Micallef A. (2003). “Evaluation Of Two Street Canyon Air Quality Models Using Data From European Cities”.  Air Pollution XI, eds. C.A. Brebbia, F. Patania, WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, pp 85-94.

Last Updated: 12 April 2022

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