



Pre-service Computing teacher education - B.Ed.(Hons.) and PGCE

Currently I co-ordinate the Computing track in the B.Ed. (Hons.) and PGCE courses, and teach most of the methodology units, supervise students out on teaching practice, and supervise most dissertations in ICT/Computing education. The course website is at

I also co-ordinate a block of 12 ECTS credits in Educational Multimedia, offered as options within the B.Ed.(Hons.) programme.

In-service Computing teacher education - Post-graduate diplomas

Some years ago the Faculty launched a part-time post-graduate, in-service diploma for ICT and Computing teachers, which I designed and co-ordinate (I also teach some of the units).

The current course, which opened in October 2002, is a conversion course for teachers wishing to change over from another subject to teach Computer Studies at Secondary level. The course website is at

University of London external programme

Outside my University work, I also teach a module for part-time students following the University of London B.Sc.(Hons) Computing and Information Systems external programme. In the past I also taught the Compilers module in this degree programme. This way I keep in touch with the subject I train teachers to teach.

Short courses

I also do 1-off lectures/talks on:

  • bibliographic research methods;
  • use of ICT for TEFL;
  • ICT in language and arts teaching.

Programming courses

In the past I have taught Lisp, Prolog and Logic Programming courses for the Department of Compuitng (Faculty of Science) as part of the B.Sc.(Hons) I.T. programme. I still have the notes for this last unit - they're available in PDF format (you will need Acrobat Reader 5 or later for most PDFs on this site). This material is based largely on my B.Sc. thesis on the implementation of Prolog, also in PDF format. Unfortunately the drawing program I used for the diagrams in these PDF files mangled some of the symbol fonts!!

These are the notes for a Pascal course I used to give to A-Level students way back - I had originaly developed these notes with Mike Rizzo (hi Mike!) when Turbo Pascal 3 was state of the art!! This version is for TP5 and dates back from about 1992.

Over the years I have also taught 80x86 assembly language, SQL and Fortran 77. Currently I do Delphi and C courses for teachers of Computing.


As someone once famously said, programming is the most fun one can have sitting down. That strikes me as a particularly sad view of the world since I can think of at least one thing I'd rate higher. Still, over the course of more than 20 years I've done an awful lot of programming in quite a mix of languages. I've programmed in 6502, 68000, Z80, 80x86, ARM, Forth, Lisp, Prolog, Fortran, various BASICs, SNOBOL and ICON, Modula 2, Oberon, BCPL (in the beginning was the word...), C (...then came the char, int, float, double...), C++ (...and finally the class!), ISETL, Ample (remember this anyone?), Haskell, Pascal, Object Pascal, Smalltalk, Java, and a vairety of scripting languages among which Postscript, Awk, Lex, Bash, Javascript, Coffee and Autolisp are fondly remembered, while the DBase languages, Lingo and VBA are the stuff of nightmares! Besides of course thinkgs like HTML, SQL, etc.
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