I have a thing for lists, and always have had - I'm sure psychoanalysts
will make something of that! Here are some lists of all time greats (they
change pretty frequently!!)
Email me yours - if I have a large enough sample of such lists I may
be able to place myself along the ordinate of the normal curve and conclude
that my existence is a statistically significant improbability! I have
even taken the liberty of annotating some of the entries in these lists,
purely for my own delectation (and your annoyance, natch!).
- James Joyce - Ulysses: This HAS to take the biscuit for sheer
linguistic inventiveness!
- Mervyn Peake - the Ghormenghast trilogy: Also worth a read
is Mr Pye - a funny little tale of a man who is so angelic
he starts growing wings!
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez - 100 Years of Solitude: Magical realism
at its most magical (and least real).
- Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita: the language in this book sparkles,
shimmers, bubbles and squeaks!
- Geoffrey Chaucer - the Canterbury Tales:
- Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow:
- Philip Roth - The Great American Novel
- Jorge Luis Borges - The Complete Works: nothing short of his
entire life output will do Borges' baroque genius justice!
Not quite classy enough to make it into the literature category, these are
neverthless worthy as bedtime reading:
- Kurt Vonnegut - Hocus Pocus
- Will Self - The Quantum Theory of Insanity: insanely witty,
apocalyptically dark humour. Not for the squeamish or impressionable.
For a gentler introduction to Self try his collection of short stories
Grey Area.
- Saki - Complete Works: Saki (Hector Munro) has to be the ultimate
master of the light short story.
- Walter Miller - A Canticle for Leibowitz.
- Ken Kesey - Sometimes a Great Notion. Must be the least remembered
of 20th century American masterpieces, vastly superior to 'One flew...'
The characters in this one live, as does the rugged landscape.
- Don Knuth - The Art of Computer Programming: Knuth never does
anything by half! He has to dig all the way back to first principles,
via many fascinating and unsuspected sidealleys and backstreets. After
finishing this three course meal, try Selected Papers on Computer
Science for dessert!
- Don Knuth - Digital Typography: a highly stimulating collection
of essays about TeX, typography, the delectable art of programming,
the joy of a beautifully constructed letter A, the world, the universe
and everything. Knuth's style is, as always, eminently readable.
- Aho et al. - The Dragon Book: I am now into my second copy,
and that is coming apart at the spine! Now largely dated.
- Douglas Hofstadter - Gödel, Escher, Bach: Metamagical
Themas is the better read, but this one created the Hofstadter myth
and is a classic.
- Jon Bentley - Programming Pearls: its sequel, More Programming
Pearls, and the 2nd edition of Programming Pearls.
- Edsger Dijkstra - A Discipline of Programming
- Andrew Glassner - his Notebook and his Other Notebook
- entertainments in what he calls recreational computer graphics:
excellent bedtime reading both. And almost as entertaining, Jim Blinn's
Dirty Pixels, a selection of the articles which appeared in
(the infamous!) 'Jim Blinn's Corner' in the IEEE CG&A now (very!)
conveniently collected in one place.
- Roger Penrose - The Emperor's New Mind:
Rock Music
- Family - Music in a Doll's House:
- Pentangle - Basket of Light: wasn't it Neil Young (THE Neil
Young!) who once said that Bert Jansch did for the acoustic guitar what
Jimi Hendrix (THE Jimi Hendrix!) did for the electric?!!
- Iron Butterfly - In-a-Gadda-da-Vida.
- Colosseum - Valentyne Suite:
- King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King:
- Lou Reed - Berlin: Reed at his minimalist best.
- Doll by Doll - Remember:
- Nico - Desertshore.
- Jethro Tull - Aqualung:
- Blind Faith - Blind Faith:
- The Enid - In the Region of the Summer Stars: the quintessential
symphonic rock album.
- Peter Hammill - Over: far more introspective and minimalist
than his work with VDGG, this one is among Hammill's more accessible
- Pink Floyd - Meddle: forget The Wall, forget The
Dark Side ... forget even Wish You Were Here, THIS is
the pinacle (well, half of it anyway)!
- The Congos - Heart of the Congos: Reggae as it is played ONLY
in Jamaica!