- Għaliex għandek tkun altruist - Graduation Ceremony Oration, March 2024. [Facebook video]
- Is Humanism as a Philosophical Movement Still Relevant? Perspectives on Contemporary Realities - Talk at Philosophy Sharing, October 2023 [Video link]
- Kif nagħmel sens minn ħajti (mingħajr għajnuna minn fuq) - Talk at Drachma Event, June 2022 [Video link]
- Reasoning About Truth: A 3-Week Course on Logic - Philosophy Sharing, April 2022.
- The Human Quest for Meaning - Talk (with Tyrone Grima) at the International Federation for Theatre Research, July 2021 [Presentation PDF]
- L-Umanisti kif iħarsu lejn il-ħajja? - Talks at the Archbishop's Seminary, January 2021 [Video link]
- Exploring pupils’ inquires on existential themes (EPIX) - SIS-funded project executed by Humanists Malta where secondary school children are introduced to existential themes [Webpage link]
- The Human Journey with Cancer - A series of 13 radio episodes on the existential journey with cancer [Webpage link]
- The Human Quest for Meaning - Agnes of God was the first project, held in the spirit of dialogue. Produced by Christian Colombo and Tyrone Grima, this play served as a vehicle to promote dialogue between theists and atheists. December 2021 [Website link Facebook page link]
- Dialogue and Existential Inquiry Platform (DEIP) - A platform enabling a number of projects [Website link]
- The Future of the Humanist Movement in Malta, Christian Colombo, Philosophy Sharing, January 2025. [Article PDF]
- The Pedagogical Role of Philosophy in a Community of Inquiry, Luke Fenech and Christian Colombo, Malta Review of Educational Research, vol 17, no 1, pp. 99-114, June 2023 [Journal website] [PDF]
- The human quest for meaning: Theatre as a vehicle for dialogue, Tyrone Grima and Christian Colombo, Ecumenica Journal: Performance and Religion, Spring 2023 edition. [Journal website] [Article PDF]
- Humanism: A Worldview Committed to Self- Reflection and Maturity, Christian Colombo, Philosophy Sharing, April 2022. [Article PDF]
- Science & Faith, Christian Colombo, What is Faith? University Chaplaincy (ed. A. Vella), 2014.
- Żewġ Mistoqsijiet, Christian Colombo, Hide and Seek: Dialogue between Faith and Culture (ed. M. Farrugia), 2009.
- LAS2043 - Engaging Science and Religion: Finding Common Ground, within the Programme for Liberal Arts (PLAS) [Study unit description link]
- LAS2069 - Paradoxes in our daily lives, within the Programme for Liberal Arts (PLAS) [Study unit description link]
- It-Tfittxija għall-Ġenwin ta' Josef Gambin - The story of a young man in Mużew [Facebook page link]
- L-Istorja ta' Malta f'ta' Maria - An allegory of the Maltese political recent history [Facebook page link]