University of Malta

Christian Colombo
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  • Managing Cybersecurity of Software Monitors - Poster Session at UM Research Expo (UMRE), May 2024. [Poster PDF]
  • Exploring Pupils' Inquiries on eXistential themes - Ethics teachers professional development, April 2024.
  • Trust and Privacy Concerns in Consumer Trends - Panel Discussion at the Malta Consumer Trends, March 2024.
  • Ghaliex ghandek tkun altruist - Graduation Ceremony Oration, March 2024. [Facebook video]


  • The Theory & Practice of Runtime Verification - Training School Session at ICTAC, Lima, Peru, December 2023.
  • Runtime Verification as a Toolkit of Techniques for Cyber Security Monitoring - Talk at Universidad de Buenos Aires, November 2023 [Presentation PDF]
  • Shaping the Future of AI in Malta - Identifying Strengths and Spotting Opportunities - Panel Discussion at the Malta TECHXPO, September 2023.
  • Hardware Security Modules - Unpacking a Black Box - Talk at National Cybersecurity Community CYBER Breakfast, Malta, May 2023 [Presentation PDF]
  • Runtime Verification as a Toolkit of Techniques for Cyber Security Monitoring - Talk at the University of Genova, April 2023 [Presentation PDF]
  • Using infrastructure-based agents to enhance forensic logging of third-party applications - Talk at ICISSP, Lisbon, March 2023 [Presentation PDF]


  • Securing quantum-era communication using runtime verification - Talk at Cybersecurity Workshop, Malta, September 2022.


  • The Cyber Research Domain: From Threat, to Tool, to Training - Talk at cyber ROOT, Malta, October 2021 [Presentation PDF]
  • Runtime Verification: Passing on the Baton - Talk at ISOLA21, Rhodes, Greece, October, 2021 [Presentation PDF].
  • Cyber Security Challenges: What are researchers doing to help? - Talk at Science in the City Malta, September 2021 [Facebook video] [Presentation PDF]


  • Secure Communication in the Quantum Era - Talk at Science in the City Malta, November 2020 [Facebook video] [Presentation PDF]
  • University of Malta’s research project - Talk at Cybersecurity Conference, ESkills Foundation, Malta, February 2020 [Presentation PDF]


  • Runtime Verification for Protocol Implementation - Talk at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, September 2019 [Presentation PDF]
  • Applying Runtime Verification to Group Key Establishment - Talk at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU), Slovakia, January 2019, and University of Malta, April 2019 [Presentation PDF]


  • Applying Runtime Verification to Group Key Establishment  - Talk at Computer Science Annual Workshop, November 2018
  • RV demo in industrial financial transaction systems, in collaboration with Shaun Azzopardi and Ixaris Ltd, Industry Day @ ISoLA, Cyprus, 2018 [PDF]
  • Runtime Verification Hands-on Session - ARVI Spring School, Praz Sur Arly, France, March 2018 [Youtube] [Repository]
  • Marrying RV with the Financial Transaction Industry - ARVI Spring School, Praz Sur Arly, France, March 2018 [Youtube][PDF]  


  • Model-based performance testing of industrial systems - Talk at Computer Science Annual Workshop, November 2017 [Presentation PDF]  
  • 10 Years of Runtime Verification - Talk at Athens Technical University, May 2017 [Presentation PDF]


  • Extracting Runtime Monitors from Tests: An Introduction - Computer Science Annual Workshop, November 2017 [Presentation PDF]
  • Runtime Verification Hands-on Session - ARVI Summer School, Madrid, Spain, September 2016 [Repository]
  • Extracting Runtime Monitors from Tests: An Overview and a way forward - Talk at VORTEX, 1st Workshop on Runtime Verification, Rome, Italy, July 2016 [Abstract PDF Presentation PDF] 
  • Model-based testing: What's in it for industry - Talk at the 3rd Software QA Professionals Meetup, Microsoft Innovation Centre, Malta, July 2016 [PDF]
  • Do Exploratory Testers Need Formal Training? - Talk at TAIC PART, Chicago, USA, April 2016. [Presentation PDF]
  • Our experience in using DSLs with RV, and the OPE Project - Talk at Verimag, Grenoble, France, February 2016 [PDF]


  • Facilitating testing and monitoring of number entry systems in medical devices - Talk at ARVI IC1402 COST action meeting, Tallinn, Estonia, December 2015 [PDF] 


  • Harnessing Sophisticated Assertion Checking Through Runtime Testing - Talk at the TVS second Software Testing Conference, Bristol, UK, March 2014 [YouTube] [PDF] 


  • Verifying Web Applications: From Business Level Specifications to Automated Model-Based Testing - Talk at the Rich Model Toolkit COST Action Meeting, Malta, June 2013 [PPTX-ZIP] 
  • Runtime Testing - From Assertions to Monitors - Workshop at Specialist Group in Software Testing (SIGIST), June 2013 [Tutorial page]
  • Using Assertions to Capture and Check Application-Wide Properties, Embedded Software Security, May 2013. Mike Bartley (in collaboration with Christian Colombo) [PPTX-ZIP]


  • Monitor-Oriented Compensation Programming, SVARM-VERIFY, Manchester, UK, 2012 [PPTX-ZIP]
  •  Online video giving a summary of my PhD (WICT 2012): here


  • A Monitoring-Oriented Programming Language, Erlang Factory, London, UK, 2011 [PDF]
  • Online video introducing runtime verification and Larva (Virginia Tech 2011): [Online video]
  • Online interview by InfoQ about Larva and Elarva (Erlang Factory 2011): [Online video
  • Online video about Elarva (Erlang Factory 2011): [Online video]


  • Resource-Bounded Monitoring of Java Programs, SYNCHRON, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2009 [PDF]


  • Runtime Verification of Contracts for Java Programs, Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS), Malta, 2008 [PPT-ZIP
Last Updated: 5 June 2024

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