Wind energy
Topics in the field of wind energy include:
- Wind turbine unsteady aerodynamics
- Tip flows and tip design
- Potential flow vortex methods
- CFD actuator disc methods

Figure: Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry tip vortex measurements at the TUDelft OJF wind tunnel.

Figure: Vorticity generation resulting from a 30 degree yawed wind turbine blade. Results obtained from Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV)
Source: Micallef, D., Ferreira, C.S., Sant,T., and Bussel, G. (2015) Experimental and numerical investigation of tip vortex generation and evolution on horizontal axis wind turbines. Wind Energ.,doi:10.1002/we.1932.
Highlight papers:
Micallef, D., van Bussel, G., Ferreira, C. S., & Sant, T. (2013). An investigation of radial velocities for a horizontal axis wind turbine in axial and yawed flows. Wind Energy Journal, 16(4), 529-544.
van Kuik, G., Micallef, D., Harraez, I., van Zuijlen, H., & Ragni, D. (2014). The role of conservative forces in rotor aerodynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (750), 284-315.
Refer to full publication list.