University of Malta

Duncan Camilleri
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Book Publication:

  1. Gray T G F, Camilleri D and McPherson N, 2014 'Control of Welding Distortion in Thin Plate Fabrication: Design Support Exploiting Computational Simulation,' Woodhead Publishing Limited (in print) ISBN-10 085709047X, ISBN-13: 978-0857090478.

Book Chapter Publication:

  1. Gray T G F and Camilleri D, 2011 'Using Computationally Efficient Reduced-Solution Methods to Understand Welding Distortion,' Chpt 5, 124-165 in 'Minimization of Welding Distortion and Buckling - Modelling and Implementation,' edited by Michaleris P, Woodhead Publishing Limited, ISBN-10: 184569662X, ISBN-13: 978-1845696627. 

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers:

  1. Camilleri D, 2017, ‘A Parametric Analysis on Hull Penetration Position and Frame Spacing Leading to Minimal Welding Distortion,’ Journal of Ship Production and Design (in print)
  2. Farrugia R, Grech I, Camilleri D, Casha O, Gatt E and Micallef J, 2017, ’Theoretical and Finite Element Analysis of Dynamic Deformation in Resonating Micro-Mirrors,‘ Microsystem Technologies.
  3.  Camilleri D, Ellul B, Muscat M and Grech J, 2016, ’Filament Wound Composite Pressure Vessels and Pipes Subject to an Internal Pressure – An Experimental and Material Characterization Study,’ 138, 6, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology DOI:
  4. Micallef D, Camilleri D, Toumpis A, Galloway A and Arbaoui L, 2016, ‘Local Heat Generation and Material Flow in Friction Stir Welding of Mild Steel Assemblies,’ 230, 2, 586-602,  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. DOI:
  5. Ellul B and Camilleri D, 2015, ‘The Influence of Manufacturing Variances on the Progressive Failure of Filament Wound Cylindrical Pressure Vessels,’ 133, 853-862 Composite Structures, Elsevier. DOI:
  6. Camilleri D, Micallef D and Mollicone P, 2015, ‘Thermal Stresses and Distortion Developed in Mild Steel DH36 Friction Stir-Welded Plates: An Experimental and Numerical Assessment, 38, 5, 485-508, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Taylor & Francis Group. DOI:
  7. Ellul B, Camilleri D and Betts J, 2014, ‘Progressive Failure Analysis Applied to Fibre Reinforced Composites Subject to Out-of-plane Bending,’ 49, 6, 605-620,  Mechanics of Composite Materials, Springer. DOI:
  8. Camilleri D, McPherson N. and Gray T.G.F., 2013, ‘The Applicability of using Low Transformation Temperature Welding Wire to Minimize Unwanted Residual Stresses and Distortions,’ Int. J. Pressure Vessels and Piping, 110, 2-8, Elsevier Ltd. DOI:
  9. Muscat M and Camilleri D, 2013, Comparison Between Different Design Approaches to Prevent Buckling of Torispherical Heads under Internal Pressure, Int. J. Pressure Vessels and Piping, 108-109, 61-66, Elsevier Ltd. DOI:
  10. Gauci T, Sant T, Muscat M, Mollicone P and Camilleri D, June 2013, ‘An Investigation of Different Offshore Wing Turbine Jacket Support Foundation Models Designed for Central Mediterranean Deep Waters, Wind Engineering, 37, 3, 229-242, Multi Science Publishing DOI:
  11. Camilleri D, 2012, Thermo-mechanical Behaviour of DBC Substrate Assemblies Subject to Soldering Fabrication Processes, Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 24, 2. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. (Awarded Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 - Highly Commended) DOI:
  12. Mollicone P., Gray T.G.F. and Camilleri D., 2012, Experimental Investigation and Finite Element Analysis of Welding Induced Residual Stresses,  J.Strain Anal.Eng.Des., 47, 3, 140-152, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. DOI: 
  13. Camilleri D, Gray T.G.F and McPherson N., 2010, Optimizing Tack Welding Fabrication Procedures Using Numerical Finite Element Models, Journal of Ship Production and Design, 26, 2, 117-134, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
  14. Camilleri D, Mackenzie D and Hamilton R, 2008, Shakedown of a Thick Cylinder with a Radial Crosshole, J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Trans. ASME, 131, 1,16-20, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. DOI:
  15. Camilleri D, Mackenzie D and Hamilton R, 2008, Evaluating Plastic Loads in Torispherical Heads using a New Criterion of Collapse, J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Trans. ASME, 130, 1,11-19, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. DOI:
  16. Mackenzie D, Camilleri D and Hamilton R, 2008, Design by Analysis of Ductile Failure and Buckling in Torispherical Pressure Vessel Heads, Thin-Walled Structures, 46, 7-9 963-974, Elsevier Ltd. DOI:
  17.  Mollicone P, Camilleri D and Gray T G F, 2008, Procedural Influences on Non-linear Distortions in Welded Thin-Plate Fabrication, Thin-Walled Structures, 46, 7-9, 1021-1034 Elsevier Ltd. DOI:
  18.  Camilleri D, Mollicone P and Gray T G F, 2007, Computational Methods and Experimental Validation of Welding Distortion Models, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2007, 221, 4, 235-249, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. DOI:
  19.  Camilleri D, Mackenzie D, and Hamilton R., 2007 Material Strain Hardening in Pressure Vessel Design by Analysis,  Proc.Inst.Mech.Eng.Part E J.Process Mech.Eng., 221, 2, 89-100, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. (Awarded Ludwig Mond Prize). DOI:
  20.  Camilleri D, Hamilton R and Mackenzie D, 2006, Gross Plastic Deformation of Axisymmetric Pressure Vessel Heads, J.Strain Anal.Eng.Des., 41, 6, 427-441, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. DOI:
  21.  Camilleri D, Mollicone P and Gray T G F, 2006 Alternative Simulation Techniques for Distortion of Thin Plate due to Fillet-Welded Stiffeners,  Modell Simul Mater Sci Eng, 14, 8, 1307-1327, Institute of Physics Publishing. DOI:
  22.  Mollicone P, Camilleri D, Gray T G F and Comlekci T, 2006 ‘Simple Thermo-Elastic-Plastic Models for Welding Distortion Simulation,’ J.Mater.Process.Technol., 176, 1-3, 77-86, Elsevier Ltd. DOI:
  23. Camilleri D, Comlekci T, Gray T G F, 2006, Thermal Distortion of Stiffened Plate due to Fillet Welds - Computational and Experimental Investigation, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 29, 2, 111-137, Taylor and Francis Inc. DOI:
  24.  Camilleri D and Gray T G F, 2006 Optimization of Welded Lightweight Multiple-Stiffener Plate Structures to Minimise Unwanted Shape Distortion, Welding and Cutting, 5, 6, 320-327, Deutscher Verlag fur Schweisstechnik GmbH.
  25.  Camilleri D and Gray T G F, 2005, Computationally Efficient Welding Distortion Simulation Techniques, Modell Simul Mater Sci Eng, 13, 8, 1365-1382, Institute of Physics Publishing. DOI:
  26. 26.    Camilleri D, Comlekci T and Gray T G F, 2005, Design Support Tool for Prediction of Welding Distortion in Multiply Stiffened Plate Structures: Experimental and Computational Investigation, J.Ship Prod., 21, 4, 219-234, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
  27.  Camilleri D, Comlekci T and Gray T G F, 2005, Computational Prediction of Out-of-Plane Welding Distortion and Experimental Investigation, J.Strain Anal.Eng.Des.,  40, 2, 161-176, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd (Awarded Central Electricity Generating Board Prize) . DOI:


Peer Reviewed Conference Papers: 

  1. Camilleri D and Ellul B, ‘Composite Fibre Reinforced Pipe Elbows Subject to Combined Loading,’ Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference PVP2017-65366, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
  2. Camilleri D, Muscat M and Ellul B, ‘Fibre Reinforced Composite Pressure Vessel Heads Subject to External Pressure,’ Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference PVP2017-65365, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
  3. Camilleri D, Micallef D and Saliba C ‘A Sensitivity Study on Mild Steel Friction Stir Welding Tool Penetration and Depth,’ Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conf. on Trends in Welding Research 2016, pp. 363-367, Tokyo, Japan.
  4. Camilleri D, ‘Optimal Hull Penetration Positions and Frame Spacing Leading to Minimal Welding Distortion,’ Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conf. on Trends in Welding Research 2016, pp. 173 – 177, Tokyo, Japan.
  5. Toumpis A, Galloway A, Camilleri D and Arbaoui L, ‘Recent Developments in Steel Friction Stir Welding – Project Hilda,’ Proceedings of the ASME 2015 Int. Mech. Eng. Congress & Exposition, Houston, USA.
  6. Camilleri D, Micallef D, Arbaoui L, Toumpis A and Galloway A, ‘Numerical Modelling Techniques Applicable for the Prediction of Residual Stresses and Distortion due to Mild Steel DH36 Friction Stir Welding,’ The 4th International Conference on Scientific and Technical Advances on Friction Stir Welding & Processing FSWP 2015, Ordizia – Donostia / San Sebastian, Spain.
  7. Ellul B and Camilleri D, ‘FE Modelling of the Progressive Failure of Filament Wound Cylindrical Pressure Vessels,’ 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. Campbell S, Galloway A, McPherson N, Camilleri D and Micallef D, ‘Modelling Magnetohydrodynamics to Investigate Variation of Shielding Gases on Arc Characteristics on the GTAW process,’ Proceeding of the International Conference on Materials and Product Technology, ICMPT 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
  9. Camilleri D, Ellul B and Muscat M, ‘Design-by-analysis Methods for Asymmetric or Unbalanced Cylindrical Composite Pressure Vessels,’ Proceedings of the ASME PVP 2014, PVP 2014 – 28130 Anaheim, California, USA.
  10. Athanasios T, Galloway A, Cater S, Micallef D, Camilleri D, Poletz N and Arbaoui L, 2014, ‘Advances in Friction Stir Welding of Steel – Project HILDA,’ Transport Research Arena 2014 TRA 2014, Paris, France
  11. Micallef D, Camilleri D and Mollicone P, 2013, ‘Simplified Thermo-elastoplastic Numerical Modelling Techniques Applied to Friction Stir Welding of Mild Steel,’ Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Int. Mech. Eng. Congress & Exposition, SanDiego USA.
  12. Ellul B, Camilleri D and Betts J, 2012, Progressive Failure Analysis Applied to E-Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymers, 17th International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials, Riga, Latvia.
  13. Gauci T, Sant T, Muscat M, Mollicone P and Camilleri D, 2012, An Investigation of Different Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Support Foundation Models Designed for Central Mediterranean Deep Waters, 7th European Seminar on Offshore Wind and other marine renewable Energies in Mediterranean and European Sea – OWEMES, Rome, Italy
  14. Camilleri D, McPherson N. and Gray T.G.F., 2012,The Applicability of using Low Transformation Temperature Welding Wire to Minimize Unwanted Residual Stresses and Distortions, 13th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, London, UK.
  15. Muscat M, Camilleri D, 2012, Comparison Between Different Design Approaches to Prevent Buckling of Torispherical Heads under Internal Pressure, 13th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, London, UK.
  16. Camilleri D, Gray T G F, McPherson N, 2009, Procedural Tacking Fabrication Influences on Welding Distortion, Welding in the World 53, 403-408, Singapore.
  17. Camilleri D, Gray T G F, Nash D, 2008, Mitigation of Welding Distortion and Residual Stresses via Cryogenic CO2 Cooling – Numerical Investigation, 17th International Conference and Tutorial Workshop – Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing, Cranfield, UK.
  18. Camilleri D, Gray T G F, McPherson N, 2008, Numerical Modelling of MIG Welded Multiply-Stiffened Plate Structures to Optimize Fabrication Procedure, 17th International Conference and Tutorial Workshop – Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing Cranfield, UK.
  19. Naruse T, Mackenzie D and Camilleri D, 2008, Gross Plastic Deformation of a Hemispherical Head with Cylindrical Nozzle: A Comparative Study, Proceedings of the ASME PVP 2007 / CREEP 8 conference, 3, 431-438,  PVP 2007 – 26298 San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  20. Mackenzie D, Camilleri D, Hamilton R, 2007, Design by Analysis of Ductile Failure and Buckling in Torispherical Pressure Vessel Heads, Session 5, Paper 1, Professor Jim Rhodes Retiral Conference Thin Walled Structures Glasgow, UK.
  21. Mollicone P, Camilleri D, Gray T G F, 2007, Procedural Influences on Non-linear Distortions in Welded Thin-Plate Fabrication, Session 5, Paper 7, Professor Jim Rhodes Retiral Conference Thin Walled Structures Glasgow, UK.
  22. Gray T G F, Camilleri D, Mollicone P, 2006, Experimental Validation of Computational Methods for Welding Distortion Prediction, 65-84, 22nd Symposium on Experimental Mechanics of Solids, Jachranka, Poland.
  23. Camilleri D, Mackenzie D, Hamilton R, 2006, Shakedown of a Thick Cylinder with a Radial Crosshole, Proceedings of PVP2006 – ICPVT11, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference Vancouver, Canada.
  24. Camilleri D, Mackenzie D, Hamilton R, Evaluating Plastic Loads in Torispherical Heads using a New Criterion of Collapse, Proceedings of PVP2006 – ICPVT11, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference Vancouver, Canada.
  25. Camilleri D, Mollicone P, Comlekci T, Gray T G F, 2006, Computational Methods for the Prediction of Out-of-Plane Deformation in Thin Plate Welded Structures, 7-11 Proc. 14th Annual Conf. of Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Belfast, UK.
  26. Camilleri D, Mackenzie D, Hamilton R, 2006, Evaluating Pressure Vessel Static Design Loads by Plastic Analysis and a New Criterion of Collapse, 183-186, Proc. 14th Annual Conf. of Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Belfast, UK.
  27. Saliba M A, Camilleri D, Farrugia M J, 2005, Development of an Anthropomorphic Robot Hand and Wrist for Teleoperation Applications, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Information and Automation, Colombo, Sri Lanka.  
  28. Camilleri D, Comlekci T, Gray T G F, 2005, Finite Element Analysis of Out-of-plane Distortion in Plates due to Double-Sided Fillet-Welded Attachments, Proc. NAFEMS World Congress 2005 St.Julians, Malta.
  29. Camilleri D, Comlekci T, Gray T G F, 2005, Computationally Efficient Welding Simulation Technique for the Prediction of Out-of-Plane Distortion in Double-Sided Fillet Welding, Proc. TCN  CAE 2005, Lecce, Italy.
  30. Mollicone P, Camilleri D, Comlekci T, Gray T G F, 2005, Thermo-Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Models for Gas-Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Fabrication, Proc. TCN  CAE 2005, Lecce, Italy.
  31. Camilleri D, Comlekci T and Gray T G F, 2004, Use of Thermography to Calibrate Fusion Welding Procedures in Virtual Fabrication Applications, 5, 121 -131, Proc. of Inframation 2004 Conference Las Vegas, USA.
  32. Camilleri D, Comlekci T, Gray T G F, 2003, Out-of-Plane Distortion of CMn Steel Plates during Flux-Cored CO2/Ar Automatic Butt Welding, 117-127, Proc. Int. Conf. on Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology Nottingham, UK.
  33. Camilleri D, Comlekci T, Lee C K, Tan H, Gray T G F, 2003, Investigation of Temperature Transients during Flux-Cored CO2/Ar Butt Welding of CMn steel plates, 107-116, Proc. Int. Conf. on Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology Nottingham, UK.
  34. Comlekci T, Camilleri D and Gray T G F, 2003, Finite Element Representation of Experimental Surface Deformation Data from Fusion Welded Plates, 33-36, Proc. 11th Annual Conf. of Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Glasgow, UK.


 Technical Reports:

  1. Camilleri D, ‘Understanding the Effect of Welding on Thin Plate Bulkheads,’ University of Malta, Msida, February 2016,
  2. Camilleri D, ‘Periodic Programme Review 2014-15, B.Eng. Hons in Mechanical Engineering: Self Evaluation Report,’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, June 2015.
  3. Camilleri D, Micallef D, Mollicone P  ‘High Intergrity Low Distortion Assembly SCP2-GA-2012-314534-HILDA, Deliverable D3.2: FSW Process Optimisation through Numerical Paramteric Study,’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, May 2015.
  4. Camilleri D, Micallef D, Mollicone P, Cater S, Toumpis A, Galloway A, ‘High Intergrity Low Distortion Assembly SCP2-GA-2012-314534-HILDA, Deliverable D3.1: Global Model Creation and Validation,’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, December 2014.
  5. Camilleri D, ‘Technical and Financial Report R&I-2009-010: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp), University of Malta, Msida, Malta, October 2013.
  6. Camilleri D and Ellul B, ‘R&I-2009-010 Prediction and Optimisation of Structural Performance Through a Numerical Parametric Study – Part 2: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, October 2013.
  7. Camilleri D, Ellul B, Grech J, Baldachino F and Cutajar P, ‘R&I-2009-010 Prediction and Optimisation of Structural Performance through a Numerical Parametric Study – Part 1: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, September 2013.
  8. Camilleri D, Ellul B, Grech J, Baldachino F and Cutajar P, ‘R&I-2009-010 Experimental Analysis and Numerical Validation: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, May 2013.
  9. Camilleri D, Ellul B, Baldachino F and Cutajar P, ‘R&I-2009-010 Composite Material Testing – Part 2: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, October 2012.
  10. Camilleri D, Ellul B and Grech J, ‘R&I-2009-010 Literature Review – Part 2: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, May 2012.
  11. Camilleri D, ‘Interim Technical and Financial Report R&I-2009-010: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp), University of Malta, Msida, Malta, January 2012.
  12. Camilleri D, Ellul B, Borg M, Cremona A and Irvine C, ‘R&I-2009-010 Composite Material Testing – Part 1: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, January 2012.
  13. Camilleri D, Ellul B, Borg M, Cremona A and Irvine C, ‘R&I-2009-010 Literature Review – Part 1: Innovative Fibre Reinforced Composites Designed for Higher Structural Performance (FiReComp),’ University of Malta, Msida, Malta, August 2011.
  14. Nash D and Camilleri D, ‘Creating Opportunities for the Manufacturing of Lightweight Components (MALCO): A Numerical Investigation and Optimisation Study,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. December 2008
  15. Camilleri D and Gray TGF, ‘Optimisation of Welded Lightweight Multiple-Stiffener Plate Structures to Minimise Distortion,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., October 2007.
  16. Gray TGF and  Camilleri D, ‘Load Testing of a Bridge Parapet Prototype,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., April 2007
  17. Camilleri D and Gray TGF, ‘Cutting Simulation to Minimize Cutting Induced Thin Plate Distortion,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., November 2006.
  18. Mackenzie D, Camilleri D and Hamilton R, ‘Development of Plastic Collapse Criteria for Pressurised Components: Final EPSRC report,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., September 2006.
  19. Gray TGF, Camilleri D and Mollicone P, ‘Modelling and Simulation of Welding Fabrication Practices,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., August 2005.
  20. Gray TGF, Camilleri D and Mollicone P, ‘Simulation Design Tool for Fusion Welded Stiffened Plate Fabrication: Final EPSRC report,’ University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., March 2005.


Extended Abstracts:


  1. Camilleri D,  Gray T G F, 2012, 'Minimisation of Distortion in Welding Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels and Tanks, IMechE Seminar' - Advances in Fabrication of Pressure Vessels and Pipping Systems, Manufacturing the Future, London, U.K.
  2. Gauci T, Muscat M, Sant T, Mollicone P, Camilleri D, 2011, 'Ultimate State Design  of a Deep Water Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structure for the Central Mediterranean Region,' OFFSHORE 2011, The European Wind Energy Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  3. Camilleri D, Gray T G F and McPherson, N, 2009, 'Tacking Fabrication Procedural Influences on Out-of-plane Welding Distortion,' 5th UK Distortion Forum, Rotherham, U.K.
  4. Camilleri D, 2008, 'Integrating Finite Element Analysis in Design and Manufacture of Welded Structures,' 17th Annual Engineering Conference – Marine Engineering: Beyond Our Shores, Malta.
  5. Camilleri D, Gray T G F and Mollicone P, 2006, 'Computational Methods and Experimental Validation of Welding Distortion Simulation,' IMechE Seminar – Modelling of Manufacturing Processes, London, UK.
  6. Mollicone P, Camilleri D, and Gray T G F, 2006, 'Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Tack Welds on Thin Plate Structures,' NAFEMS – Simulation Versus Testing, Cheshire, UK.



Last Updated: 16 June 2017

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