


are a few of my papers available in electronic format:
- Vertex-deleted and
edge-deleted subgraphs , Collected Papers
(A collection of papers by members of the University of Malta on the
occasion of its quartercentenary celebrations), edited by
R.Ellul-Micallef & S.Fiorini, Malta, 1992. Figures for this
paper are in separate files: Fig2.1
, Fig3.1 , Fig5.1 , Fig6.1 , Fig7.1 .
- Pseudsosimilarity in
graphs---A survey , Ars Combinatoria 46
(1997) 77--95.
- On a formula for the number
of Euler trails for a class of digraphs , Discrete
Math. 163 (1997) 307--312.
- Cayley graphs, pseudosimilar
edges and line-graphs , to appear in J. Combin.
Math. & Combin. Computing
- On a determinant formula for
enumerating Euler trails in a class of digraphs , 5th
Workshop in Combinatorics, University of Messina, Italy, November 1999.
- Constructing graphs with several
pseudosimilar edges or vertices , Combinatorics
2000, Gaeta, Italy, May-June 2000.
- On disconnected graphs with
large reconstruction number, (jointly with Kevin Asciak) to
appear in Ars Combinatoria.
- Two-fold
Orbital Digraphs, (jointly with Russell Mizzi &
Raffaele Scapellato);
on TODs presented at Combinatorics04, Catania.
- Some open problems


