Research Project
In progress
Development of a framework for the conversion of a home to a robot-inclusive space, and for the design of a compatible autonomous domestic robot (Co-supervisor) |
Naraharisetti Prabhu Rayudu |
M.Phil/PhD |
2024 |
A Real Time Hand-movement Motion Capture System for Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy |
Mario Farrugia |
M.Sc by Research |
Control of a Self-Balancing Unicycle Robot under Varying Operating Conditions |
Simon Sultana |
M.Sc |
2022 |
Design and Implementation of the Control System for a Physical Motorcycle Simulator |
Daniel Cassar |
M.Sc by Research |
Stability and Optimisation of a High Dynamic Motor Starter Prototype's Current Control Algorithm (Co-supervisor) |
Daniel Lendi |
M.Sc by Research |
2020 |
Establishment and Optimisation of Diagnostic Reference Levels for Common CT Examinations in Nigeria |
Idris Garba |
M.Phil |
Towards Autonomic Control of Urban Traffic Junctions |
Luana Chetcuti Zammit |
Ph.D |
2019 |
Design of an Attitude Determination and Control System for the UoMBSat1 Pico-Satellite (Advisor) |
Darren Debattista |
M.Sc by Research |
Towards Robot-Assisted Living through Universal Design of the Environment (Co-supervisor) |
Yesenia Aquilina |
M.Sc by Research |
2018 |
A Speech Recognition and Analysis System for SPEECHIE: A Device Supporting Children with Language Impairment |
James Attard |
M.Sc by Research |
Swarm Robotics for Object Transportation |
Jean Luc Farrugia |
M.Sc by Research |
2017 |
Training Simulator for Teleoperated Robots Deployed at CERN (Co-supervisor) |
Clare Saliba |
M.Sc by Research |
2016 |
Data Monitoring and Control of Solar Cooling Systems for Industrial Wine Production |
Joseph Agius |
M.Sc by Research |
2013 |
Multiple Modelling of EEG Data to Classify Different Mental States (Co-supervisor) |
Tracey Camilleri |
Ph.D |
Data Driven Modelling of Traffic and Air Pollution (co-supervisor) |
Luana Chetcuti Zammit |
M.Sc by Research |
2012 |
Implementation of Signal Conditioning Circuitry for CO2 Sensor for Monitoring Emissions from Coal Fired Power Plant in Neyveli Lignite Corporation |
Muruganand Prabhakaran
2011 |
Computational Intelligence Methods for Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots
Marvin Bugeja
Integrated Waste Management as a Climate Change Stabilisation Wedge for the Maltese Islands |
Clyde Falzon
M.Sc |
Intelligent Solar Water Heater Controller
Reuben Debono
M.Sc by Research
2009 |
Implementation and Testing of Neural Network-based Algorithms for Real-time Control of a Robotic Manipulator |
Nathalie Maes |
M.Sc |
2008 |
Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Mobile Robots in an Unstructured Environment |
Raphael Grech
M.Phil |
2005 |
Design and Implementation of Real-time Neural Control Systems
Sarah Pule'
M.Phil |
Wavelet Analysis of P300 EEG Signals for Brain Computer Interface Applications (Co-supervisor)
Andre' Sant
M.Sc |
2003 |
Advanced Strategies for Vector Control of Induction Motors: Theory and Implementation
Omer El-Sharif
M.Phil |